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Quotes / Precision F-Strike

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    Anime and Manga 
"When you meet your god, TELL HIM TO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!"
Guts, Berserk

"Yeah! You got fucked!"
Rock, Black Lagoon

"I'm done killing DRAGONs! I'm done with Villkiss! So you can just go fuck yourself!"
Ange to Alektra after finding out the DRAGONs are humans (an actual Dub line); Cross Ange

Bridge Bunny: All hands, prepare for underwater combat. Repeat. All hands, prepare for underwater combat.
Rey Za Burrel: Underwater combat, huh? Better take the Bazooka then.
Lunamaria Hawke: Underwater combat? Oh, fuck.
Actual Dub Dialogue, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny

"I'm so fucked up..."
Shinji Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion

Mari Illustrious Makinami, Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance

"Point blank, shithead!"
Mari Illustrious Makinami, Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance

"I've heard enough! It's all bullshit!
Yu Narukami, Persona 4: The Animation

"Repent, you motherfucker!"
Panty and Stocking Anarchy, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

"Well fuck me right in the keyhole."

"Fuck off. Don't talk to me until I've had my god damn sugar."

"Yeah! Get that air moving! Freeze him out, like he's Frosty the goddamn Snowman! Jolly happy this, asshole!"
Unnamed Soldier, Memories

    Comic Books 
"I mean, golly, I don't rightly know myself. But it's sort of one o' them expletives, y'know? Like "heck" or "dang" or... or HOLY #$#*?!!"
Fastback, Captain Carrot and the Final Ark!

"Darkseid... SHUT THE HELL UP!"

"Darkseid. You've confused me with someone who gives a damn what you think."

General Zod: "Forgive my not trembling, Kal-El... But what am I to fear, in light of your moronic code against killing?"
Superman: "You're right, Zod! I can't take your life— much as I'm tempted! But my code does not say a damn thing— about not battering you to within an inch of it!!"

"They'll try to destroy them all. The Justice League of America knows exactly how the missiles work. When they actually arm, they'll know which missiles one must coddle and which one can simply obliterate. But somewhere in the world Superman has just uttered his first real swear word in years. That has to count for something."

    Fan Works 
"I don't say this often, so understand that I really, really mean it: go fuck yourself."
Garrus Vakarian, Mass Effect: Interregnum

Within five seconds of that statement, an event occurred that was practically unheard of in the history of Equestria. If the legends were true, then somewhere in Equestria, fifteen sparrows would burst into flames, a litter of kittens would abruptly die from their hearts exploding within their fuzzy little chests, and every first-born colt for the next fifteen generations would be born with cloven hooves and goat horns.
Because Princess Celestia had just cursed aloud.

Mala: We have not forgotten the thirty years we spent in the Kryptonite globe because of him. Nor have we forgotten being cheated of our revenge by his death. Should Kara Zor-L live, she will inevitably prove to be a hindrance to us. It is regrettable that she must die. But die she must. There is no need for battle. Our audience has left the stands. This show of combat pleased him, but it was most inefficient. Please. Let me do what is required, and I promise to make her death as quick as I possibly can. Your own will be even quicker, and as painless as possible. The decision is up to you.
Fury: You know what our answer is, big man. Come and get it.
Nuklon: Nope. Our answer is—go to hell!

Star Boy: But you can see why we wanted you on board for this one.
Supergirl: Frab.
Laurel: Yeah. My sentiments exactly.

You said Cinder didn't give you a choice. You said she left you with no good options... well, she's not the only one capable of doing that, Roman. You seemed to like it when she left you without a choice. When she rode all over you and took away your crown. Well guess what? You're my bitch now.
Jaune, Professor Arc

"So, I’ll give you this little piece of advice once... Do not fuck with me. Understood?"
Cinder Fall talking to an insubordinate Mercury Black, CRME

Panchito: Well I may be an airhead, but it’s still better than being some angry old drunk who constantly makes his addiction everyone else’s problem!
Donald: WHAT?!
Jose: Oh do not act like you do not know. We’ve seen you downing ridiculous amounts of liquor my friend, you are nothing more than a deadbeat alcoholic.
Donald: Shut up.
Panchito: It’s no wonder we’re your only friends, between your drinking habits and your anger issues you’ve likely scared away anyone who so much as spoke to you.
Donald: I said shut up!
Panchito: And with a voice like that who can blame them? I’d be stuffing my ears with cotton if I had to listen to that garbled quacking all day.

"Oh... godverdomme. "
Nimja, upon seeing that HyPN0se has opened up his own hypnotic incorporation (which is now more popular than his own), Pokémon × Nimja: Play the Game note 

Red looked up at the ceiling. "Oh, great," She said sarcastically, pouting. "Now I'm a murderer. Just another thing to add to my list of fuck-ups since I got to this damned kingdom."

The Dwarfs all paused, taken off guard by Red's sudden cursing.

Yoko: “You [Himika, Reiji, Nakajima] knew! YOU KNEW! All this time, you knew where my husband went! You knew what would happen with The Sledgehammer! You could’ve stepped in at any moment! But you didn't!
Himika: Yoko—
Yoko: Fuck you, I'm not done!

Ocean sobs softly, and the sound tears mercilessly at Constance’s heartstrings. “I don’t— I don’t know. They took something new, I think, and it’s making them act so weird. They keep yelling about random stuff and stomping around, and I heard glass breaking earlier.” She sobs again as she whispers, “I’m so fucking scared, Constance.”
If Constance hadn’t already been extremely worried, then she certainly is now. Ocean never cusses unless something is really wrong.
i've clawed my way out of here before (but i keep on coming back), a Ride the Cyclone fanfic.

    Film - Animated 
Miguel O'Hara: All stations! Stop what you're doing, and stop Spider-Man!
(All of the Spider-Men in the Spider-Society confusedly point at one another)
Miguel: Ay, coñonote , MILES, Miles Morales!

    Film - Live Action 
Chili: Did you know that unless you're willing to use the R rating, you can only say the F-word once?
Tommy: You're kidding me!
Chili: Nah. You know what I say? Fuck that. I'm done.

Dark Helmet: Found anything yet?
Mook 1: Nothing yet, sir!
Dark Helmet: How about you?
Mook 2: Not a thing, sir!
Dark Helmet: What about you guys?

President Skroob: "Out of Order"?!
Colonel Sandurz: Fuck!
Dark Helmet: Even in the future nothing works!

Otherwise, shoot this motherfucker, and let us take our Fraternity of Assassins to heights only reserved for the Gods of men!

"Are you sure it isn't time for a colorful metaphor?"

Spock Prime: I am Spock.
Kirk: .....bullshit.

"Get away from her, you bitch!"
Ellen Louise Ripley, Aliens

Eric: Excuse me, I'm Eric Lehnsherr.
Xavier: Charles Xavier.
Logan: Go fuck yourself.

Logan: You remember what they are. The shots mellow the seizures, the pills keep 'em from happening. How about you blow on 'em to make 'em safe?
Xavier: Fuck off, Logan.

You know, I think I do remember you now. Yeah... tall, angry fellow with the contentious hair. We came to you a long time ago, seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then; fuck off.
Charles Xavier, to Wolverine, X-Men: Days of Future Past

"Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut bitch!"

Iron Man: Shit!
Captain America: Language!

Baby Groot: I am Groot!
Yondu: What's that?
Rocket: He says "Welcome to the frickin' Guardians of the Galaxy"!...only he didn't use "frickin'"! [...] (to Groot) We're gonna need to have a real discussion about your language.

Quill: Groot, put that thing [videogame] away, now. I don't want to tell you again.
Groot: [continues playing]
Quill: Groot!
Groot: I am Groot!
(shocked looks among the Guardians)
Quill: WOAH!
Rocket: Language!

(Nebula yanks on handle of car door)
Quill: Push down on it!
Nebula: What?!
Quill: Push it down!
Nebula: I am pushing down on it!
Quill: Push the button!
(Nebula presses her thumb to the keyhole)
Quill: It looks like you're pushing the keyhole!
Nebula: The what?!
Quill: There's a button under the handle! Press that in!
Nebula: (pushes button) OK. Now what?
Quill: Open the FUCKING door!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the first uncensored use of "fuck" in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film

"Look, I can't tell you the secret of life, and I don't have any answers for you. I don't give interviews, and I'm no longer a public figure, I just want to be left alone. So piss off."
Terence Mann, Field of Dreams

"What in the blue FUCK was THAT?"
Warden Hal Moores, regarding the botched execution of Eduard Delacroix, The Green Mile

"Get me the hell out of here!
Detective Pikachu, Pokémon Detective Pikachu

"You're one ugly motherfucker..."
Dutch, Predator

"Motherfucker, are you out of your damn mind?!"
Blade, Blade (1998)

"I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving. I'M NOT FUCKING LEAVING!"

"Yeah well fuck you too!"


Janitor: Hey, buddy. You got a dead cat in there or what?
(the Terminator turns to the door as its HUD interface shows six possible responses: "Yes/No"; "Or what?"; "Go away"; "Please come back later"; "Fuck you, asshole"; and "Fuck you". It chooses "Fuck you, asshole")
Terminator: (deadpan) Fuck you, asshole.

"I fucked this up, didn't I?"
M, Skyfall

"Welcome to Hell, motherfuckerssssss!"
Mr. Simms, Tales from the Hood

"Mr. Dumass Beach! Welcome to Hell, MOTHERFUCKER!!!"
Mr. Simms, Tales from the Hood 2

"Why do you have to make this so fucking complicated?!"

"Holy shit. What the fuck was that?"
Rooster, Top Gun: Maverick

The novelty of the 1950s was that the upper-and middle-class young...began to accept the music, the clothes, even the language of the urban lower-classes, or what they took to be such, as their model...Respectable young men, and increasingly, young women, began to copy what had once been a strictly unrespectable macho fashion among manual laborers, soldiers and the like, the casual use of obscenities in conversation. Literature kept pace: a brilliant theatrical critic brought the word "fuck" to the radio public.
Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Extremes explaining how this became more and more common in the second-half of the 20th Century.

"They know all they'll need to know about that son of a bitch", Rita snapped. It surprised me: I had never her use bad language before. Possibly she never had, either, because she started to blush.
Rita and Dexter commenting on her reaction, Dexter in the Dark

"Merlin's pants"? She must be upset."

Indira: He's... I just enjoy spending time with him. I mean, he's not as smart as Aleksie was, I suppose, but... Aleksie turned out to be a... Liberty to swear in front of you?
Paul: As always.
Indira: ...toaster-fucking asshat. Thanks.
Paul: Of course.

Otulissa using the worst owl bad language, Guardians of Ga'Hoole

"Allen has mistaken me for this dickhead, Marcus Halberstram."
Patrick Bateman, American Psycho

Where repressed violence charging the air so strongly it stank of psychic ozone had failed to make much of an impression on the man, a single expletive succeeded.

Oslo: We should be formulating some kind of strategy, not rotting in this festering dung pit.
Apton Styx: Actually, it's regulation restraining accommodation for officer-class detainees, controllable air conditioning, a choice of superior snacks and refreshments and excellent private toilet facilities.
Oslo: Mr Styx?
Apton Styx: Ma'am, sir?
Oslo: Fuck off.

I’ll be damned if I let that demon deceive me again.
Stanford Pines, Gravity Falls: Journal 3

    Live-Action TV 

The Doctor: ...Clicking towards oblivion.... How long, K9?
The Doctor: (somehow without completely breaking character) Yeah, you never fucking know the answer when it's important.
— The Doctor and K9 on this Blooper reel of Doctor Who.

Well, I'd get set for some weeping if I were you. I'd get set for a world of pain! Misery loves company, young man, and I'm looking to share that with you and your whore!
The Mayor, losing his composure for the first and only time, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"Oooh shit."

"I am too old for your bullshit!"
Admiral Jean-Luc Picard to Q, Star Trek: Picard

The short answer to that is "No". The long answer is "Fuck, no".

"Look, I don't like to throw around the word "butthead" too often. If you call everybody a butthead then it kinda loses its impact. But I can say without hesitation that Tom is being a real dick."
Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation

    Radio and Audio Play 
Kepler: Alright, here's the deal. You have five minutes to give me your unconditional surrender. Or... I'm going to shoot one of your crewmates in the head! [...] How can I pick between these two [Lovelace and Eiffel]? They're both so tragic in their own ways. (Beat) Eenie meenie miney moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eenie. Meenie. Mi-
Lovelace: Fuck you.

"Let's call it a truce or let us call it the end of mankind as we know it. Either way, fuck you. Are we clear, 4-7?"
Bernie Federman, Calling Home

Jon: I think I've found a way for us to leave the institute.
Jon: Yeah. But it's...pretty drastic.
Martin: (laughing) What, have you got to gouge your eyes out or something?
Martin: Fuck off!

Sam: You’re too blinded by conviction to realise you’re just a pawn in this!
B: Maybe so, but what does that make you?
Sam: Me? I’m the fucking king.

No, Jamie, you do not have to go to another party!
With the same twenty jerks you already know!
You could stay with your wife on her fucking birthday!
And you could, god forbid, even see my show!
See I'm smiling, The Last Five Years

    Video Games 
She's bugged, huh!? She's worthless!? You got all that from five friggin' questions!? We're Sophie's friends, and we KNOW she's awesome! She's friggin' amazing! A million times better than you! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP, IDIOT!

Abe's biggest crime is that he didn't just piss off his managers, he didn't just get in a fight with the security guards, he didn't just get busted by the cops, he's fucked over the CEO of a major corporation that has a lot of investors... There's some young people in the audience, I'm sorry.
Lorne Lanning, explaining the conflict of Oddworld.

Don't. Fuck. With Aria.
Aria T'loak, Mass Effect 2

Watch your clever mouth, bitch!
Garrosh Hellscream to Sylvanas Windrunner, World of Warcraft

"Calm the hell down!"
The Protagonist / Yu Narukami, Persona 4

Well fuck.
Bucket, Evolve

I've got a manky eye- I'm a black, Scottish cyclops. They've got more fecking sea monsters in the great Lochett Ness than they've got the likes of me.*
Demoman, Team Fortress 2

Rick: Yeah? Well, fuck you!
Dr. West: No, Rick! Fuck YOU!

Morag: An independent defence mechanism... Ardainian technology. My apologies.
Zeke: Why would you even bloody make something like that?
Nia: Bitch later - fight now!

Shit! Who gave that damn order?

Don't fuck with a witch!
Bayonetta, Bayonetta

I feel like a fucking celebrity in this town!
Bayonetta, Bayonetta

(translated from Enochian) You filthy bitch!
Alraune, Whisperer of Dementia, Bayonetta 2.

"Five years ago, I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye. And the world just fuckin' watched. Tomorrow, there will be no shortage of volunteers, no shortage of patriots." *Dramatic Gun Cock* "I know you understand."

"Can one thing in this fucking world just stay fixed?!?"
The Inquisitor making full use of the honor of being the first BioWare Player Character to drop the F-bomb, Dragon Age: Inquisition: Trespasser.

"C'mon—c'mon don't be an asshole...OK? You need this! Just get me the fuck outta here!"
Ben Bertolucci, Resident Evil 2 (Remake)

A Mantis ship here is adorned with Rock body parts! it would be a gorier display if they had internal organs, but the message is clear enough: this is a hunter of a very specialized kind.
1. Attack!
2. Ignore them.
3. (Rock Plating) Ram the bastards.

"Leave him alone, ya damn ugly fuck!"

"The fuck is this shit? Cachino, you dumb motherfucker."
Big Sal, Fallout: New Vegas

"Ah shit, Here We Go Again!. Worst place in the world. Rollin Heights Balla country. I ain't represented Grove-Street in five years, but the Ballas won't give a shit."
Carl "C.J." Johnson, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

"Wake the fuck up, Samurai! We got a city to burn!"
Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077

Vampire: Is it 1358 yet?
Geralt: No...
Vampire: Then fuck off.

Gaira Caffeine, Samurai Shodown V Special

"What the fuck is this? Is this...French?! I can't fucking read French!"

"Don't fuck with THIS senator!"
Senator Steven Armstrong, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

"Hello! Hello, oh thank God you're alive. I need you to stay calm. We're going to get you help, we'll get you out of there. I want you to find a place to hide, someplace safe where you can remember the taste of her kiss when you felt her neck break, you diseased cocksucker."
The Stalker, Outlast II

"Go to hell!"

Vergil: This has nothing to do with you. Stand down.
Nero: Nothing to do with me?! It has everything to do with me!
Vergil: Nero...
Nero [activates Devil Trigger]: FUCK YOU!

Nero: You feeling accepting yet?
Vergil: Of your existence? Or your strength?
Nero: Both, you fuckin' asshole!

"Alright, just what the *honk* is going on?!"

You killed his family. You framed him for murder. Okay, maybe not. But he's pissed off anyway.
— Description for the "Zorthan's Revenge" arena battle, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

"Get of my train, shitbird."
Mikhail Viktor, Resident Evil 3 (Remake)

"Fuck you, you crazy bitch!"
Ethan Winters, Resident Evil Village

Heisenberg: Lady supersized bitch. Ugly-ass psycho doll. And that moronic freak. Don't you get it? It's a test, to see if you're strong enough to be part of Miranda's family!
Ethan: But I don't want to be a part of Miranda's family—
Heisenberg: Neither did I, but here we are! And I'm next in line, right? Kill me, move up the chain? Well, FUCK THAT!

"Who's this broad?!"
Vector the Crocodile (in regards to Rouge the Bat), Sonic Heroes

"Where is that damn fourth Chaos Emerald?"

"I can't even begin to imagine what having all seven [World] Rings would do to someone! It might even open the gates of Hell!"
Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic and the Secret Rings

"You Scumbag! I know it's you! You're just a fucking deviant. Go on, admit it!"

"This is the part where you're supposed to LAUGH! Laugh, you stupid motherfucker!"
Goro Majima, Yakuza

"You cross the Agency and you get fucked!"
Benjamin Travis, Hitman: Absolution

"Let's dance, asshole!"
Cloud Strife, Final Fantasy VII Remake

(Watches the Robo Dinosaur collapse before it can catch up to the Baby Globoxes) Damn! I forgot to fill up the tank!
Technician Henchman, Rayman 2: The Great Escape (Playstation 1 Version)

"You went to the Council behind my back? Do the words "political shitstorm" mean anything to you?"
Ambassador Donnel Udina, Mass Effect 2

Preston Marlowe: FUCK!
George Gordon Haggard Jr.: Hey, you kiss your mom with that mouth?
Terrence Sweetwater: I'm proud of you, Pres!

"You know what? Fuck you. That's right. Fuck. You. I promised someone that I'd never talk like that again... but I think in this case, they'd make an exception."
Robert MacCready, Fallout 4

"I'm here to pick up an order. Two large pepperoni and a calzone. Name is 'Fuck You'."

"Get fucked."
Driver Nephi, Fallout: New Vegas

"I would sooner spit on the grave of my dead mother than let some Courier, 'walk-the-wasteland' fuck talk to me like that."
General Lee Oliver, Fallout: New Vegas

"What? How can this be? Bested by this... this thing? You insignificant FUCK! THIS IS NOT OVER!"
Gabriel, Judge of Hell after his defeat, ULTRAKILL

Norman Jayden: Enough fucking around! Now you're gonna tell me about the man with the blue car!
Mad Jack: Go fuck yourself in the ass!

"The word *fuck* rings like a gunshot from his mouth. He doesn't swear often."

Rambo: In the future, machines are in charge?
The Terminator: All human life is terminated.
Rambo: Fuck.

Rambo: What the hell do you want?
Shang Tsung: To see if I could enlist your services.
Rambo: Fuck.

Kabal: So you're Hollywood royalty.
Johnny Cage: Feel free to curtsy, peasant.
Kabal: Fuck that.

Johnny Cage: How is Shao Kahn not a Shokan?
Shao Kahn: It's irrelevant, imbecile.
Johnny Cage: Dude, I lose sleep over shit like this.

Toriel: ... Alright, where the HELL is Kris?
Susie: (with a dumbfounded smile) Toriel???
Deltarune Chapter 2

Clive Rosfield, reacting to his brother Joshua’s violent death at the hands of Ifrit, Final Fantasy XVI

I'm not a big fan of swearing, which is why I've tried my best to keep it out of the comic for so long, but when I originally wrote Jacob saying "Oh, Crap!", it just didn't seem to convey how absolutely screwed he knows he is.
Michael "Mookie" Terracino, regarding this part of Dominic Deegan

"This is your ticket outta death... So you have to FUCKING TAKE IT".

    Web Original 
"I speak for everyone when I say this...fuck you, ProtonJon."

"I...I...I said...FUCK THAT! I am sick and tired of this shit and I'm not going to let it happen any more! I'm done being captured, I'm done falling for every guy I meet, and I'm done taking the backseat in fights! I don't want to heal! I want to kick ass! Starting with YOURS!"
Katara to Master Pakku, Avatar: The Abridged Series

Oh! "Grommet"! I used to say it all the time back in Cali! You couldn't stop me saying this word! Grommet this! Grommet that! THE FUCK DOES GROMMET MEA—

Oh, how this game lures you in with its appealing gameplay and charming atmosphere and then bends you over and FUCKS you to hell!!

" 'A herd of fuckin' ugly reds.' ?! Was 'a herd of ugly reds' too weak? Did they really need the F-word to fuckin' drive home the fuckin' point?"

To get hearts, you have to beat these cassette levels, and what's interesting about the cassette levels is that... they are fucking EVIL! (shows a counter indicating he died 420 times attempting the level)
videogamedunkey's review of Celeste

Mario: (idling) I'm-a tired...
Amano Pikamee of VOMS Project playing Super Mario 64

Everyone! Thanks for coming to today's tanoshii live-stream. Today, I think I wanna rap. Well then, shall we begin?
Guh, fuck it.
Calliope Mori of hololive, at the start of "Excuse My Rudeness, But Could You Please RIP?"

You bitch!
Tyrian Callows, RWBY

That bastard! Tell him we're not done yet!
Yang Xiao Long, RWBY

This bridge has a fantastic vista. I'm sure I'm not alone in considering it the best scene from a visual standpoint. If you look closely, you can see a golden Red Hot Hotel sign from Episode 2 which is now pulsating different colors. Kind of a shame they didn't work one of those into the foreground, but maybe it was deemed too distracting. Not the only instance of eye-catching signage throughout these city stages since there's a lot of almost-naked ladies if you look for them. This seedy side of the city is probably where the chapter gets its Midnight Cowboy-style name from. As someone who sometimes drops a single swear word into an otherwise family-friendly video, I appreciate the commitment to theme. Sometimes, you just have to say "fuck it."
Matthewmatosis, Viewtiful Joe commentary

Hey, 2004 Eli, Fuck You!
Philip Rivers, Gridiron Heights

Sonic: Niggers!
[a crowd looks at Sonic angrily]
Leo Messi: So, uh... how's Europa League?
Cristiano Ronaldo: Fuck you.
The Champions (2018): The Champions of the World

And even though Arthur can't swear for real on his show, I certainly can on mine. Fuck you, DW.[sic]

Well, you can't spell Wario without FUCKING WAR!

    Western Animation 
"Fuck your court, nigga!"
Colonel Stinkmeaner, The Boondocks

"You technotard! Don't you know up from down?!"
Burdine Maxwell to Kirstee Tweevil after the latter nearly gets them crashed, Bratz ("Jade's Dream")

Sypha: I will find us a covered wagon and horses if you two can manage not to kill each other while I'm gone!
Alucard: Oh, please. We're not children.
Trevor: Eat shit and die.
Alucard: Yes, fuck you.

"Why is it that only human hands can reach into Hell? Don't you think that's weirdly fucked up?"

Spongebob: Hey Patrick, what's that word?
Patrick: Kr-ab-s? Uh, isn't that that red, sweaty guy you work for?
Spongebob: No, not that word, that word.
Patrick: ...(dolphin chirp noises)? Oh, I know what that is! That's one of those sentence enhancers! You just sprinkle on anything you say, and whamo! You got yourself a spicy sentence sandwich!

Phantom Limb: Welcome to alive, Dragoon. My name is Revenge.
Dragoon: Your name is Phantom Limb, you fucking lunatic!

David Xanatos: Start hiring crews. I want to begin as soon as possible.
Owen Burnett: It may prove difficult to find the necessary manpower. This castle has a bad reputation; the locals consider it haunted.
Xanatos: You know the answer to that, Owen. Pay a man enough, and he'll walk barefoot into Hell.
Gargoyles, having the only instance of an uncensored curse in a Disney Channel original series

    Real Life 
"So when Brian Williams is asking me about what's a personal thing that you've done [that's green], and I say, you know, 'Well, I planted a bunch of trees.' And he says, 'I'm talking about personal.' What I'm thinking in my head is, 'Well, the truth is, Brian, we can't solve global warming because I fucking changed light bulbs in my house.'"
— US President Barack Obama

"It's always nice when you can make Steven Spielberg swear."

"You shittin' me?"

"You must be respectful, do not just throw away questions and statements. (in Tagalog) You son of a bitch, I'll swear at you at the forum."
— Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, on a planned meeting with US President Barack Obama

"What a stupid son of a bitch."
— US President Joe Biden

Once again, I repeat it: Fuck you.
— Rodrigo Duterte, to the European Union

"As you Americans say, I fucked up."
Captain Kohei Asoh on mistakenly landing Japan Airlines Flight 2 in San Francisco Bay, later dubbed the "Asoh Defence"

"OW, FUCK!!!"

"In the 20 years I've spent in this business I've weathered many storms. It's been far from easy sailing. It required a great deal of work, struggle, determination, competence, faith, and above all unselfishness. Some people think we have a class distinction in the place. They wonder why some people get better seats in the theatre than others. They wonder why some men get spaces in the parking lot and others don't. I have always felt, and always will feel that the men that contribute most to the organization should, out of respect alone, enjoy some privileges. My first recommendation to the lot of you is this; put your own house in order, you can't accomplish a damn thing by sitting around and waiting to be told everything. If you're not progressing as you should, instead of grumbling and growling, do something about it."
Walt Disney giving a speech to his animators prior to the company's animators' strike of 1941.

"Vada a bordo, cazzo!" (roughly translates to "Get back on board, for fuck's sake!")
Gregorio de Falco, chewing out Francesco Schettino for fleeing the Costa Concordia before civilians could be evacuated during the ship's 2012 grounding.
