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YMMV / Jim Fullington

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  • Badass Decay:
    • Though Sandman was not a good wrestler, he was an excellent performer, and for the bloody, sweaty, booze-soaked atmosphere that was ECW, he fit in perfectly. Take those away, and you have....well, Hak, who didn't have much in the way of proof that he's a "King of Extreme".
      DDT: Hak goes as far as saying that his match with Bigelow and Raven at Uncensored was the most extreme match ever. Boy, all those beer cans smashed on the forehead have sure jaded Mr. Fullington's mind.
    • Also, his WWE entrance music.
      Jay Hunter: Just go the whole hog and have him smoke E-cigarettes. Just have him chug water bottles. Have him come out in a polo t-shirt. He can be the next Kerwin White. He can be some kinda 50's Sandman. "Mister Sandman, bring me a dream! ♫ You were the worst wrestler I've ever seen ♪!"
  • Funny Moments: While it's kind of Black Humour under the circumstances, during the infamous fight against Cactus Jack where Sandman got badly concussed by a Frying Pan of Doom, Sandman proceeded to completely fuck up the rest of the bout because he was just too out of it to have any clue what was going on any more. He repeatedly kicked out of Cactus' finisher, and even got up faster than Cactus did after he was finally pinned, causing a furious Cactus (who had no idea how badly he'd concussed Sandman and thought Sandman was just trying to make him look bad by No Selling everything) to lay into him again in an attempt to make him stay down and look beat until the ten count. A large section of Botchamania 23 is dedicated to Sandman watching the fight again and providing his commentary, and the guy is just completely cracking up with laughter at how badly he's screwing up and how obviously pissed off Cactus Jack is getting with him. By the end of it he's practically in hysterics. And hey, if the guy on the receiving end of such a brutal beating can laugh at it, so can we.
    • The footage of him at Captain Lou Albano 75th birthday party. It begins fairly benign with a drunk but amicable Sandman delivering a speech were he praises the Captain for being an inspiration and living his dream. Then a **jarring** jumpcut to an even drunker Sandman being restrained from throwing punches at people in a drunken rage. note 
  • Heartwarming Moments: At ECW One Night Stand 2005, he partnered with Tommy Dreamer to take on the The Dudley Boys. He shows up in the audience to a huge pop. The entire crowd (including the Dudleys) started singing along to his intro music (Metallica's Enter Sandman). He dragged out his entrance for the entire duration of the song - all five and a half minutes of it - and the crowd never got restless. He's that loved.
  • Never Live It Down: His arrest for his drunken interruption of Captain Lou Albano's birthday party, which was featured on a "Partiers" episode of World's Dumbest....
