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Sliding Scale / Hostile Weather

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  • 0 (Benevolent): It rains healing magic, super soldier serum, or helpful nanobots, strengthening all the people in the area.
  • 1 (Pleasant): The weather is cloudy or sunny, with nothing even remotely unpleasant.
  • 2 (Unpleasant): The weather is in a state where a few may find it pleasant, but most will find it unpleasant or neutral. It may be lightly raining, lightly snowing, or hotter or colder than usual.
  • 3 (Hindering): The weather is somewhat dangerous to those in the right circumstances, but mostly just irritating. It may be raining heavily, snowing heavily, unusually windy, or sunny enough to be a heat wave.
  • 4 (Problematic): The weather is dangerous all around. It may be a particularly bad hailstorm, an outright blizzard, or just windy enough to knock you off your feet.
  • 5 (Hazardous): The weather is dangerous enough to wreck major human infrastructure. This is usually hurricanes and tornadoes.
  • 6 (Lethal): The weather is lethal to most humans in its area. It would likely be raining lava, or a rain with lightning striking down nearly everywhere in the area, or just a particularly bad hurricane.
  • 7 (Disastrous): This is where you get to unimaginably dangerous weather. It might be raining explosives, radioactive toxic sludge, or zombie virus infested water.
  • 8 (Cataclysmic): At this point, the weather starts destroying not just the area it is affecting, but neighboring areas as well. I guess this would be a rain of atomic bombs.
  • 9 (Apocalyptic): Is it even weather at this point? This is end of the world tier stuff we're talking about, like a bombardment of moon-like bodies, a rain of New York-sized asteroids, or even a rain of gamma ray bursts!
  • 10 (???): What is the point of classification any more? Everyone is already dead. I guess this is what happens when it rains stars, black holes, or eldritch horrors from beyond.
