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Horrible / Western Animation

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"When business executives are making the artistic decisions and don't understand animation, things can go awry."
Don Bluth, speaking from personal experience.

Often because cartoons are sometimes seen as entertainment for kids, some studios seem to think they can get away with releasing anything, no matter how poor the quality. When animation is targeted towards adults, creators often make it a point to go the extra mile to clarify that no, it's not for kids. However, there are some things even the Nostalgia Filter can't save. After all, with glitchy animation, many unanswered questions, awful decisions by the higher-ups, and jokes too unfunny for the most easily amused, can you blame them for not remembering?

To see some of the worst animation has to offer in cinemas, check out the Animated Films page. For horrible Asian Animated shows that were made in Japan, see the Anime & Manga page, and for shows that weren't, see the Asian Animation page.

Important Notes:

  1. Merely being offensive in its subject matter is not enough to justify a work as Horrible. Hard as it is to imagine at times, there is a market for all types of deviancy (no matter how small a niche it is). It has to fail to appeal even to that niche to qualify as this.
  2. It isn't a Horrible cartoon just because The Mysterious Mr. Enter, RebelTaxi, PhantomStrider, Saberspark, anyone from Toons These Days or Reviewers Unknown, anyone from or formerly associated with Channel Awesome or any other Caustic Critic reviewed or said something negative about it. There needs to be independent evidence, such as actual critics (emphasis on plural) for example, to list it. (Though once it is listed, they can provide the detailed review.)
  3. This page is not for horrible episodes (or even seasons) of otherwise well-received shows. For those, see Dethroning Moment and Seasonal Rot.
  4. To ensure that the work is judged with a clear mind and the hatred isn't just a knee-jerk reaction, as well as to allow opinions to properly form, examples should not be added until at least one month after release. This includes "sneaking" the entries onto the pages ahead of time by adding them and then just commenting them out.

Examples (more or less in alphabetical order):

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    Animation Studios & Creators 
  • Laughing Dragon Studios, formerly known as Blind Ferret Entertainment, is a company run by Canadian Webcomic artist Ryan Sohmer, best known for Least I Could Do:
    • Ctrl+Alt+Del: The Animated Series is regarded by many as one of the worst Animated Adaptations of all time and easily the worst of the 2000s. Noted for its awful production, unlikable characterization, unfunny "humor," and a plot that continues upon a wildly-despised comic arc. The Stock Footage is okay but takes up at least half an episode. Nothing else is even excusable. The voice acting is poorly done and cheaply recorded (one background character in Season 2 Episode 4 apparently had his single line literally phoned in), and volume discrepancies are everywhere. The sounds are so badly edited that music tracks commonly overlap, and speech starts and stops partway through a line. The animation wouldn't pass on Newgrounds — it's often jerky, always unnatural, and rarely isn't in a 3/4 profile. The series itself was so unpopular that for two seasons done two years apart, it almost cost Blind Ferret their jobs, and they have since gone on record as saying they'll never produce another season. TV Trash riffed it in a crossover with The Cartoon Hero, and Rowdy C declared that it was one of the few shows that he felt had no redeeming qualities. The Mysterious Mr. Enter tore into the pilot, too, and considers it to have the worst audio out of anything he's reviewed. It was also the first and last thing riffed by The Annotated Series.
    • They also worked on an Animated Adaptation of Least I Could Do. The animation is slightly better than Ctrl+Alt+Del, though almost anything would be; that's not enough to salvage the rest of the show. Essentially, it takes every flaw the Webcomic has and multiplies it exponentially. The first lyric of the theme song is "Wouldn't it be great if no one ever got offended?" which should clue viewers in that what they're about to watch isn't exactly going to handle adult themes in a mature, responsible manner. In the clip of the pilot posted on their YouTube channel alone, we're introduced to the main character Rayne Summers, who has to be the biggest, most intolerable douche-bag imaginable. Couple this with bland, repetitive humor that can be best described as "horny" and a waste of good voice actors like Yuri Lowenthal, Tara Platt, and Steve Blum, stir well, and you've got a cartoon so bad it's a wonder anyone ever bothers adapting webcomics into animation at all. What's worse, it was crowdfunded through a Kickstarter campaign that raised over $100,000 — none of which, evidently, went towards the writing or animation budgets.
  • John Kricfalusi's fall from grace hit hard. In The '90s, he was one of the biggest names in animation. But things stopped looking so rosy for him when the Turn of the Millennium hit, and a pair of Creator Killers (among other things, capped off with a series of sexual assault allegations) knocked him out of the industry and ruined his credibility. Both of those cartoons were Horrible, even though he was given total creative control; they perfectly encapsulate how Protection from Editors is not always a good thing, and how the very qualities that put his work on the map can be taken too far:
    • Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon" was a more adult-oriented continuation of The Ren & Stimpy Show, which was Kricfalusi's original smash hit from the 90s. Only six episodes were made, and Spike TV only aired three of them. A lot went wrong, and there was a lot of fallout:
      • It was extremely reliant on gross-out humor and Black Comedy. While the original Nickelodeon show was well-known for such humor, it was never as offensive or shocking as in this version. It had graphic "jokes" about animal abuse, male pregnancy, and general Gorn. It seemed to be disgusting and offensive for its own sake or perhaps to drum up hype.
      • Its pacing is absolutely atrocious; its episodes are incredibly long and feel slower than even the weakest episodes of the original series. The show's habit of just lingering on the "action" killed whatever momentum the jokes had, making an already unfunny and crass adult "comedy" flat-out insufferable. This trait is at its absolute nadir in "Fire Dogs 2", where there are two scenes dedicated to Ralph Bakshi taking a crap that both go on for minutes; the second one follows it up with a similarly long bit of Ren and Stimpy trying to dispose of said crap. Kricfalusi himself admitted that the show's pacing was too slow for its own good.
      • It sexualized female characters to a disturbing degree, even before you learn about how Kricfalusi was accused of sexual abuse by several female animators who worked under him. Nowhere is this more evident than the episode "Naked Beach Frenzy", which was a paper-thin excuse to ogle objectified female caricatures — many of which were based on said animators. And any ability to watch it completely collapses when you learn that he roped in animator Katie Rice to voice the character "based" on her (known only as "Soap Girl").
      • Kricfalusi was hoping to use the show as a Career Resurrection. Instead, it helped bury his flagship franchise for about a decade. He was reduced to working on animating music videos and commercials, as well as his blog John K. Stuff and his personal project Cans Without Labels (which, as you'll see, is the other Creator Killer he made). In 2020, when Comedy Central announced a new adult revival of Ren and Stimpy, they made certain Kricfalusi wouldn't be involved in any way, and even then, observers were wary because the mere concept of an "adult Ren & Stimpy revival" had been so thoroughly tainted by this show. Spike TV, meanwhile, was hoping to make Adult Party Cartoon the flagship of its animation block; instead, they had to scrap it entirely.note 
      • Rowdy C reviewed it to commemorate TV Trash's fourth anniversary. The Mysterious Mr. Enter also talks about it. PhantomStrider singled out the episode "Ren Seeks Help" as the worst cartoon of all time. LS Mark and TheGrandMac have also discussed the show in full, commenting on how the way the show grew up with its audience ultimately neuters a lot of the comedy.
    • Cans Without Labels is an animated short that was also intended to be Kricfalusi's comeback. Instead, it completely torpedoed what was left of his career (well, that and several sexual assault allegations that were revealed in 2018). The film was announced in 2008 and crowdfunded on Kickstarter in 2012 before spending seven years in Development Hell, suggesting it was a labor of love — but it turned out to betray almost everything Kricfalusi preached as an animator. Rather than use his trademark Deranged Animation to advance a story, he pushed it to wild extremes to cover for the paper-thin plot. His notorious perfectionism bore no results; the editing is a mess on all fronts, from the production to the acting to the sound, with one piece of background music noticeably and jarringly ending abruptly. The animation similarly looks incredibly cheap; the camera refuses to stop zooming and panning, and the backgrounds are inconsistent between scenes. He even uses CG — and jarring, ugly CG at that — despite having long decried doing so in 2D animation.note  And the main conflict is resolved using a mean-spirited Seltzerberg-esque parody of Donald Duck, presumably as a Take That! to Disney. The Mysterious Mr. Enter elaborates on the short itself here, AniMat suffers through the whole affair here, Daniel Ibbertson goes into detail on what happened with its Kickstarter situation here, and TheGrandMac discusses the short here, as well as the animatic for a planned Ren & Stimpy short to accompany the second SpongeBob movie.
  • Many of the syndicated cartoons produced by Sam Singer (called "the Ed Wood of animation" by Animation Magazine) were notoriously shoddy.
    • Most animation buffs consider Bucky and Pepito the worst of the lot and frequently cite it as one of the worst cartoons ever made. Set against a bleak but beautifully-painted desert backdrop were the crudely-animated and thoroughly-unlikable title characters — an Anglo kid in a cowboy costume and his lazy Mexican sidekick. The plots often involved annoying animal pests and a tedious procession of contrived visual gags.
    • A DVD collection of the worst cartoons ever made features not only two episodes of Bucky and Pepito but also two episodes of another of Singer's cartoons, The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican. Paddy's cartoons are especially lousy because they are pencil tests that were submitted as finished cartoons. The artwork is generally decent... and that's about all that can be said for them. The picture is often blurry, each shot comprises of one or two seconds of animation looped back and forth, and there is no background. On some occasions, there’s even a blank black screen where there should be a picture. Perhaps even worse is the voice acting, all done by Singer himself in a single take with no script. The finished product sounds (appropriately) like an insane man talking to himself for eight minutes. The Mysterious Mr. Enter reviewed one of its episodes here, where he calls it the worst cartoon of all time (in terms of production values).

    TV Series 
  • While Henry Danger is considered a divisive show, it still has a following. The same cannot be said for its Animated Adaptation, The Adventures of Kid Danger, which is widely regarded as one of Nickelodeon's worst original animated programsnote . While the animated version gets rid of the laugh track, it introduces a whole slew of problems in its place: the animation and character designs are completely dull and have been compared to the likes of late-run episodes of Johnny Test. The story-lines are very lackluster, which is pretty bad considering that the cartoon could've opened up a huge opportunity for story-lines that couldn't be done in its live-action counterpart and full of unfunny and/or nonsensical jokes, references that are about as relevant as expired milk, the lead characters going from dull and annoying to outright unbearable, and tons of gross-out humor that isn't charming in the slightest. Newcomers and fans of Henry Danger disliked it and avoided the show, leading to low ratings that led to the show getting quietly removed from Nick's schedule, with few missing it. Coupled with Dan Schneider's departure from Nickelodeon, the failure of this show led to the death of his production company, Schneider's Bakery. The Mysterious Mr. Enter reviewed the show here as a separate Animated Atrocity and here as part of his Nick-o-Rama marathon, and he found nothing positive to say about the show. Not only that, but he also almost considered it for its own spot in his worst cartoons of the 2010's list before giving it a dishonorable mention that could also be a tie with The Powerpuff Girls (2016) at #4. The Alpha Jay Show has reviewed the show's pilot and similarly has no praise for it.
  • Allen Gregory, a short-lived Fox animated series co-created by and starring Jonah Hill as the voice of the title character Allen Gregory De Longpre, a nerdy, pretentious 7-year-old who's forced to attend elementary school in the face of the recession when his gay parents' finances are hit hard, principally those of his CEO father Richard. The show features various dull and tasteless jokes, including some about AIDS and date rape; bland animation with hideous character designs; off-putting homophobia (particularly, the fact that Jeremy, one of Allen's parents, is a straight man who was sexually harassed by Richard into marrying him); and unlikable characters who are some combination of idiotic, whiny Butt Monkeys, and/or complete jerkasses. There's also a subplot involving Allen's crush on his 70-year-old principal, played out in the most disturbingly sexual way possible. The pilot received mostly negative reviews, and the show itself was canned after only seven episodes in late 2011/early 2012. TV Trash eviscerated it by popular demand, believing it to be one of the worst shows he's ever reviewed. The Mysterious Mr. Enter also tore into the show and declared it in 2013 to be the worst thing he reviewed until he saw, among other things, Mr. Pickles and Where the Dead Go to Die. He put it as an honorable mention on his worst cartoons of the 2010s list, implying that it only missed being on the list because he had an imposed rule that a show had to have at least 12 episodes to make the cut. RebelTaxi also called it the 12th worst cartoon ever (in no particular order) in his review. It's telling that Fox hated Allen Gregory so much that they pulled it from any and all websites that were offering the episodes for sale and also that when it comes to bootlegging, this is the series they most intensely watch out for and try to snuff out with extreme prejudice more than any other.
  • After the Sputnik launch in 1957, there seemed to be a push for "educational" TV cartoons in the USA to raise kids' intellects, and they were generally awful. One of them, The Big World of Little Adam, was nothing but a still shot of two kids' heads behind a book, conveniently covering their mouths to avoid animating speech — the only movement was their pupils darting back and forth. This "action" framed montages of still pictures of the subject at hand. On a whole other level of awful, one installment dealing with missiles praised the V-1 and V-2 rockets. However, the animated segments and slideshows weren't the only thing present: The Other Wiki claims the producer, Fred Ladd, who is best known for bringing Astro Boy, Gigantor, and Kimba the White Lion to America, and thus started the first wave of anime in the English-speaking world, got hold of a bunch of NASA documentaries, and with the space race of the 50s and 60s running about in kids' minds, created the segments as framing devices for said documentaries.
    Toonopedia: This show inspired as many extra-media spin-offs and merchandised products as it deserved — that is, none at all. Today, it's occasionally glimpsed alongside Bucky & Pepito, in "Best of the Worst" retrospectives.
  • Christian kids' entertainment is notorious for generally being low-quality with some exceptions, but Boys of Valor takes it to a whole new level. The voice acting is atrocious — one of the actors literally phones in his performance — and the CGI is even worse: a generic grass texture is used for the ground in Hell, the villains look like huge-headed BIONICLE rejects, at least two scenes have one of the boys flying in a loop and colliding with the ground, remaining rock-still while doing so, and some of the models even seem to be directly stolen from The Sims and Halo. To top it all off, the Big Bad is defeated by dancing, something even the bad guy is incredulous about. Watch iRawss tear it apart here. He also reviewed the sequel along with the Critic Core here.
  • There are more than a few reasons why Calico Entertainment's Bubsy pilot never got picked up. Not only because of unfunny jokes and overuse of Stock Footage, almost all of our main "heroes" are completely unlikable and have voice acting that not only wastes the talent of famous names like Rob Paulsen, Jim Cummings, and Tress MacNeille but is also incredibly ear-grating. The only likable character is Arnold Armadillo, and he is sadly treated to a downright mean-spirited Running Gag involving his fear of getting run over by a truck. It was so bad that even the creator of Bubsy, Michael Berlyn, hated it, and the title character is one of the very few roles Rob Paulsen is openly ashamed of. The Mysterious Mr. Enter took an axe to it here, as well as Tooncrap, Nothing but Cartoons, Cartoon Palooza, and even Joel from Vinesauce. There's also an annotated version as well. And just in case you weren't convinced enough, here's the entire thing. "What Could Possibly Go Wrong??", indeed.
  • Da Boom Crew was played on Kids' WB! on Saturday mornings for four weeks at one new episode per week in 2004, like any new show. The problem? The creators had made 13 episodes. The network canned it after just four, and it's easy to tell why. The show had Totally Radical dialogue, a generic plot about traveling through a sci-fi world with equally generic characters, wasting the vocal talents of two The Time members (Morris Day and Jerome Benton) and Wanda Sykes, and other things that made this show not worth the time slot. It also features annoying negative stereotypes. For extra irony, one of the show's co-creators was Bruce W. Smith, who made The Proud Family. Thankfully, a second Pokémon: Advanced Challenge episode took over its timeslot. Meanwhile, it got a Spanish dub and was inflicted on Latin American kids on Fox Kids/Jetix — sometimes a Spanish dub can rescue a mediocre series, but not this time. The Cartoon Hero reviews it here, and The Mysterious Mr. Enter ripped it a new one and considered it one of the top 10 worst cartoon series he's ever seen.note 
  • Fairview is Comedy Central's attempt to create a Spiritual Successor to South Park (which they used as a lead-in to attract viewers) and is also part of a new adult animation push into streaming services, yet it ended up being one of the most reviled attempts at an Animated Shock Comedy in recent years. It fails at political commentary as its "satire" ends up being far too shallow and unsubtle to hold any water (such as potshots towards anti-vaxxers that amount to them saying that they're against vaccines because they're stupid). The show’s non-political humor isn’t much better, mostly consisting of tired Toilet Humour, shock and gross-out humor, and sex jokes, all delivered with very little actual humor or cleverness. The character designs resemble creepy-looking nesting dolls with overly-detailed, Archer-style human faces that horribly clash with the simplistic Weeble bodies and look more like emojis than actual characters. The characters themselves are flat and receive no development. What's more, the voice acting was literally phoned in over Zoom, making it unprofessional and jarring to the point that Saberspark reported that he recoiled in pain while watching the series. It received enormously negative reviews to the point of getting a 1.4 on IMDb, making the series the lowest-rated Comedy Central cartoon ever. LS Mark also dissects this dreadful mess, alongside other inept clones of South Park that were also ironically made by Comedy Central, Fairview getting the harshest review of course.
  • Fantasy Island (not to be confused with the TV series or the movie of the same name) was a television series that followed up on an embarrassment to animation known as The Legend of the Titanic and fellow Horrible entry Tentacolino and is as bad as you would expect from that description. The show has about as many continuity errors as Tentacolino, including giving characters over-the-top Italian accents they didn't have in either of the films. Even aside from that, the script is insane, including having sharks create a tidal wave so they can steal beach chairs, ghost pirates attempting to steal the Titanic, and a baby being born a week after its conception and aging to ten years old within a few days, twice, which no one questions, among various other plot points that are abruptly dropped not long after being brought up. The Art and animation are both very inconsistent as well; the new characters (including the aforementioned children) look like they came from a whole other universe than the returning characters, while the animation goes back and forth between traditional animation and Off-Model, rubbery-looking Flash animation. Having only aired in Italy and North Korea, the series was nearly impossible to find until it was uploaded on YouTube in 2019 on the production company's channel. As a result, it didn't have an IMDb for a good while, and it still doesn't have enough reviews to have a proper rating (though unsurprisingly, the few reviews it has are overwhelmingly 1-star). Raisor Blade reviews it here. Or watch Bobsheaux review it himself here.
  • Full English was an attempt by British network Channel 4 to create an adult cartoon to capitalize on the success of American shows such as Family Guy and South Park. Unfortunately, despite using Rough Draft Studios for its animation and casting well-known British names such as Richard Ayoade and Kayvan Novak, the show was regarded as an abomination by viewers and critics alike. Many labeled it as a "British" ripoff of Family Guy with several copied elements, such as the main character's wife having a billionaire father who disapproves of his son-in-law. The gags were so offensive that even Family Guy at its most shocking isn't as tasteless. The most infamous was a segment in which the ghost of notorious reality TV star Jade Goody, who had died of cancer three years before broadcast, chats about her husband's then-ongoing rape case — only to be interrupted by the ghost of Princess Diana, who apologizes for being late because the traffic was "murder", who gets into a fight with Goody's ghost and calls her "baldy" while Goody's ghost calls her a "bulimic slut". That one led even the infamously sensationalist British Newspaper The Daily Mail to call it the "sickest cartoon ever". It was cancelled after four episodes, the remaining ones were shunted off to sister network E4, and none of it was aired again; Channel 4 still pretends it never happened. Torch Sheep has a review of it here, Steve Reviews has one review here, and Saberspark has one here.
  • Good Times is a 2024 animated reboot of the 1970s Good Times television series produced by Stephen Curry and Seth MacFarlane that premiered on Netflix. Although previous executive producer Norman Lear returned (this ultimately being his final, completed project overall before his December 2023 death), the show as released is an utterly generic, trashy Animated Shock Comedy with few, if any, connections to the original series and little attempt to rise above the genre's worst excesses. The series was Not Screened for Critics, and upon release, it was immediately clear why. From the moment its trailer released, it gained widespread backlash and criticism due to the poor animation, unfunny jokes, greatly Denser and Wackier tone, stilted storylines, and most notoriously, the massive amount of Modern Minstrelsy and invoked Unfortunate Implications toward African-Americans (something the 1970s version strove to avoid), which was probably intended to Cross the Line Twice but barely made it over once. It received scathing reviews from multiple publications including CNN, HuffPost, and Variety, currently holds a 3.7 rating on IMDb and has an 11% on Rotten Tomatoes. It also was publicly condemned by several people involved with the 1970s series, including the families of co-creators Eric Monte and Mike Evans.
  • Hammerman, a cartoon about rapper MC Hammer, is one of the most embarrassing examples of a Celebrity Toon. It ran for one season, and it's pretty clear from the start that most of its budget went into getting Hammer himself rather than anything else. For starters, the animation is awful, with a lousy attempt at achieving graffiti-like aesthetics and movement so limited that it could accurately be described as "two-frame animation with the least detail put in each frame, sometimes mirrored or flipped", and the lack of sound effects was compensated with the animation of unsound effects. The animation is not the only problem: the theme song is a generic hip-hop loop with MC Hammer singing a hastily-written Expository Theme Tune that doesn't feel like a song at all. Not only does each episode hammer a lesson into the viewers' heads, sometimes in the most nonsensical and backwards way possible, but Hammer explains both the Aesop and the whole plot at the beginning of each episode. Top it with idiotic characters and boring villains, and you get an awkward piece of animated crap that made both Mr. Enter and The Nostalgia Critic cringe. Even The Rap Critic mentioned how genuinely awful Hammerman was when talking about the song that actually ruined MC Hammer's career (Pumps and a Bump).
  • The Idhun Chronicles was a Spanish Animesque cartoon adaptation of Laura Gallego's The Idhún's Memories books, which was poorly received by both critics and fans of the original books for mangling the source material in several ways. The animation looked cheap and often unfinished; the characters were flanderized and one-dimensional; the plot's pacing was rushed; the Setting Update to The New '20s, complete with characters using smartphones, was considered pandering; and the voice acting was spiritless and miscast, featuring celebrities with no substantial experience in voice acting like Itzan Escamilla and Nico Romero — and both had acted in other Spanish Netflix originals, leading to accusations of Executive Meddling. The series was quickly cancelled after two seasons, with the second being released without any promotion.
  • Le Monde Selon Kev is a French cartoon that aired on M6 in 2018 before disappearing into oblivion, and it's not hard to see why. Starring controversial French comedian Kev Adams, the show is a rip-off of Titeuf, but with terrible character designs derivative of some cartoons that aired around the same time like Star vs. the Forces of Evil and Steven Universe. Like many other French cartoons, it is also very mean-spirited towards the main character. For these reasons, it's often cited as one of the worst French cartoons to ever exist and holds a 2.8/10 on IMDb as well as a 2.7/10 on Senscritique.
  • Madballs: Gross Jokes is an utter disaster of an animated short. The humor is bland, with most "jokes" sounding like they were taken from a children's joke book. None of the skits are interesting at all, and there isn't any semblance of a plot. The animation is poor, with ugly and uninspired character designs and visuals. None of the characters have any personality, with the possible exception of Skullface. Tooncrap takes a look at it here and considers it one of the worst animations they've reviewed, along with Bubsy. The Mysterious Mr. Enter also took a look at it and declared it one of the worst episodes he reviewed in 2013.
  • The disaster that was Mauser y Pirulo, a short-lived animated series that graced Venezuelan screens for less than a season in 1999. It was promoted as "the very first Venezuelan animated series," but in fact, it was a Same Language Dub of the Colombian animated show El Siguiente Programa,note  a vehicle for the duo of comedians/radio jocks Martín De Francisco and Santiago Moure. The original footage wasn't well-animated, but it was saved by witty writing and the voice acting of its main stars. In the Venezuelan "translation," however, the main characters were renamed and transformed into Beavis and Butt-Head expies, and the topical Colombian cultural references were awkwardly changed to Venezuelan ones, among other changes.note  The result was a show that had to be stuck at the Midnight timeslot, where it quickly died. What few fans they had never managed to tape it, so while the original show received DVD releases and episodes can be freely found online, the only proof that Mauser y Pirulo even existed is the theme music, which some say is the best part of the show.
  • Mega Babies was a cartoon made by Christian and Yvon Tremblay, creators of the much better cult favorite SWAT Kats, that was about a trio of superpowered infants who fought crime with assistance from their nurse. The jarring character designs and grating, terrible theme song (an annoying, warped version of "Rock-a-bye Baby") aside, to say that this cartoon is heavy on gross-out humor is a planet-sized understatement. A prime example of how repulsive this show is: one early episode starts with a shot of the babies sleeping... which wouldn't be so bad if one of them didn't have a stringy glob of snot shooting out of its nose with each snore. Watch it here, but only if you have a stomach of titanium. In his list of "Top 10 Ugliest Cartoons," RebelTaxi said that the show was so ugly that it was perfect for scaring teens from having sex — "It's not an accurate representation of childbirth or can it change their minds, but it should prolong the inevitable." Watch The Mysterious Mr. Enter nearly break apart from this abomination here. note 
  • The Nutshack, produced by Myx TV, is the first animated adult TV show aimed directly at Filipino Americans, and also the worst. The show features horrendously stereotypical and flat characterization, racist and homophobic caricatures (Cherry Pie is a very obvious Asian transgender hooker stereotype, for instance), unappealingly crude Adobe Flash animation, pop culture references that instantly dates it to the late Noughties, overly-sexualized female characters that clash with the crude art style, terrible voice acting, and a childish approach to everything. All this is made worse by the fact that it's a ripoff of Friday: The Animated Series. Both RebelTaxi and The Mysterious Mr. Enter had nothing but negative things to say about the show, with the former calling it the worst cartoon of all time and the latter calling it the 4th worst animated series he ever saw. The Cartoon Hero tells us what he thinks of the show here. Mr. Enter later gave an episode a full review here. Ralph The Movie Maker called it one of the worst things he'd ever seen here. It seems that the show has become a Creator Killer for Myx-TV's animation studio, which has not done anything since, and possibly a few of the show's cast, due to some of them having quit acting altogether. The show's theme song eventually reached memetic status thanks to Mr. Enter's review, its use by SiIvaGunner, and its repetitive So Bad, It's Good nature.
  • Pixel Pinkie is often described as a blander Australian equivalent of Johnny Test. The premise has been done before and better in shows such as The Fairly OddParents!, the story-lines are by-the-book, the characters are zero-dimensional plastic cut-outs of normally well-done character types, the animation looks cheaper than most Web Animation projects, and almost all the characters sound like they were voiced by one woman. Its creators are notoriously sore when it comes to criticism, having gotten into several Flame Wars with fans of Mr. Enter, whom they claimed was in no position to judge because he was American, as well as trying to false-flag his review several times under alternate names. PhantomStrider tore it apart in his Top 5 Worst Forgotten Girls Cartoons video.
  • Popzilla is an MTV cartoon from 2009, which has faded into obscurity for good reasons. The animation consists of nothing more than photoshopped stock images, and the skits are bland, unfunny, and rely too much on Overly Long Gags. It sports an IMDb rating of 1.7 and was one of the last animated shows to air on MTV. Some of the sketches can be found here. Highlights include Bill Clinton perving on the Obamas and a CBS executive green-lighting a dwarf version of The Amazing Race because it amused him.
  • Despite having well-known comedians like Sarah Silverman and Seth Rogen, HBO Max's Christmas-themed miniseries Santa Inc. was reviled for trying way too hard to make an "edgy" Christmas Animated Shock Comedy. The show is full of horribly tasteless jokes and crude humor that rely too much on extreme vulgarity, sex, and/or nudity. Its Breaking the Glass Ceiling premise of a female elf named Candy trying to prove herself as a successor to Santa Claus is constantly hammered in. The main characters and supporting characters are either very huge Jerkasses and/or one-note, while the villains are all predictably sexist or corrupt. The show offers a Hope Spot in one of the final episodes, where Santa gives a sensible reason for not choosing Candy as his successornote  and offers a compromise wherein Candy gets all the executive power in the company, while Devin acts as its public face, which she completely rejects with a "Go fuck yourself.", cementing the cast as irredeemable in the eyes of Steve Reviews, Just Stop, Cynical Reviews, and other critics. As such, the show proved to be incredibly mean-spirited, offensive, and lacked anybody worth caring about in the end. To the show's credit, the series has incredible Stop Motion animation, meant to pay tribute to the Rankin/Bass Christmas specials... not that it's enough to save the show's awful writing. It has an IMDb rating of 1.6, which the star talent blamed entirely on antisemitism.note  Steve Reviews, Just Stop, Cynical Reviews and Saberspark had very few kind words to say about the show. It was also given a negative review in Variety. And while it was included among the shows purged from the service in the summer of 2022, this was not one of the shows that viewers were disappointed to see leave.
  • Despite the involvement of director Mel Brooks (who also reprised his roles as President Skroob and Yogurt, as well as also being involved in writing and producing), Joan Rivers (Dot Matrix), Daphne Zuniga (Princess Vespa), and Dom De Luise (Pizza the Hutt, in a rather undignified final performance before his passing), Spaceballs: The Animated Series has been given the Fan Nickname Da Soich for More Money from fans of the original movie.note  The designs of the characters range from okay to awful, most notably changing Dark Helmet, originally played by 5'1" Rick Moranis, to a dwarf. The joke may have been about Helmet's phallic appearance, but there was no reason to make him look like a bobblehead with or without the helmet. The animation doesn't fare any better. In an annoyingly lazy move, it rehashes jokes from the movie. In fact, the first two episodes are a loose remake of the movie as a two-parter. The rest of the series is a Shallow Parody of other movies, such as The Terminator, The Phantom Menace, and even non-Sci-Fi films like Harry Potter. That is not only comparable to a Seltzer and Friedberg movie, but it renders the title of the show and the movie it was based on redundant. Watch Bobsheaux tear it apart here. ShogunGin0 also shares his thoughts on the matter. Rowdy C tears it apart here. Hats Off Entertainment, who is a fan of the movie, covers it here in his Forgotten Failures series.

    Web Series 
  • My Little Pony: Newborn Cutiesnote  was a Flash-animated adaptation of My Little Pony and was the last series of the third generation of the franchise, and for good reasons. While the G3 specials and movies aren't the epitome of children's entertainment, the animation is fairly competent, the songs are pretty catchy, professional voice actors give the characters likable personalities, and it isn't above poking fun at its ditzy characters. By contrast, with Newborn Cuties Hasbro put in as little effort as possible to maximize their profits, which really shows: all the voices were provided by clearly untrained children,note  and all sound almost exactly the same, stock sound effects are used constantly, the Flash animation is minimalist at best, and there are moments where voices come out with no indication of who's saying the lines (to the point that not a single character's mouth moves in the second short, although there is another version of it that fixes this problem), the characters' movements coupled with their ugly models make them look bizarrely wrong, plot-lines were blatantly recycled from earlier G3 specials, and the reoccurring cast of quirky characters that its fans had grown attached to were completely thrown out to market the same handful of characters and toys. In addition, the writing's completely juvenile, insulting, and contains the invokedunintentionally racist line, "everyone in Ponyville knows unicorns belong in Unicornia." Is it any wonder that it was discontinued two shorts in and replaced with My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic? Watch Mr. Enter tear apart the second short, "Over Two Rainbows" which is worse than the already abysmal first short, "So Many Different Ways to Play". PhantomStrider put it as #4 on his Top 5 Worst Forgotten Girls Cartoons. The Crimson Mayhem, who edited some of Enter's reviews, reviews it himself.
  • The Red Ape Family is an animated series based on (and starring) Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs, and itself being hosted on a blockchain, with each episode being sold as an NFT. Claiming to be the first of its kind,note  the show ostensibly centers around a family of Bored Apes leaving Earth to live a new life on Mars. The animation looks pretty awkward sometimes; one early scene has a glaring typo, proving how sloppily it was put together; the story is not clearly explained to the viewer, with the only real explanation being in the trailer; and the jokes either make no sense, are dated, or are blatant attempts to preach to a choir of cryptocurrency speculators. Its only interest, even to its target audience, is that it is technically a form of currency. Saberspark took a look at it here and concluded that it was a blatant and soulless cash grab, to the point of including it in his rant video against NFTs as a whole and later returning to dance on the show's grave when its budget ran out during production of the fourth episode. It was also reviewed by Sankobyte and Prixet, who were equally unkind in their treatment of it. Cynical Reviews also covered it here in his video about NFTs and NFT cartoons.
  • During the final season of Better Call Saul, AMC released Slippin' Jimmy, an animated miniseries serving as a prequel and depicting the childhood of protagonist Jimmy McGill. From the moment it was announced, fan reception had been universally negative. Many people had initially thought that the show's promotional images were tongue-in-cheek pieces of fanart meant to parody the Spinoff Babies trope, and were shocked to learn that it was actually a real show. The character designs are considered ugly and generic, with comparisons being drawn unfavorably to GoAnimate despite being animated by former Rick and Morty animation studio Starburns Industries. Despite supposedly being a prequel to Better Call Saul, it's a prequel In Name Only: the series is tonally inconsistent with the gritty realism present in the rest of the Breaking Bad franchise, with episodes showing fart clouds transforming into frogs and the characters nearly getting Dragged Off to Hell, scenarios that feel wholly out of place in the context of the main series, combined with the returning characters (Jimmy and his childhood friend Marco) acting nothing like how they do in the actual TV show. Despite Jimmy earning the nickname "Slippin' Jimmy" by being a Con Man, Jimmy pulls off only a single con job over the course of the series. The animation itself isn't anything spectacular either: background props are identifiable as pieces of clipart, even sporting scattered white pixels around their edges on occasion, indicating that the animators hastily erased the white backgrounds around them without bothering to touch anything up; in one episode, the animation budget appears to have been exceeded, as the episode ends on an extended shot of the building exterior while the characters' voiceovers explain what is happening inside. While YouTube removed their dislike counter in 2022, an official upload of an episode of the series (now taken down) sits at only 1.1 thousand likes despite having over 95 thousand views, which indicates strong negative reception. The series holds a 2.6 rating on IMDb, and on any media related to this, comments sections are unanimously negative, with any praise being transparently ironic in a similar vein to the praise heaped onto the also negatively received Morbius film.
  • Time Travel Academy (a.k.a. Learn Our History), a series of educational CGI cartoons produced by former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee to educate kids on the "history that schools are afraid to tell." Let's put it this way: you know you've got a real stinker on your hands when you can't even make the trailers look good. Its flaws include amateurish CGI work (it looks like it was done half-heartedly by a novice animator and CelShaded to cover up the fact), cardboard cut-out characters coupled with wooden dialogue and completely phoned-in voice acting, moments of historical inaccuracy, blatant plagiarism, note  and to top it all off an obviously one-sided Author Tract despite the show's claim to "teach history without bias."
  • The Transformers: Combiner Wars, a 2016 web series co-produced by Machinima and Hasbro. Initially billed as a more mature work for hardcore fans, said hardcore fans almost instantly savaged it due to poor-quality CGI reminiscent of Transformers: Energon, a low framerate that makes actions highly janky, an unclear and barebones narrative, a large amount of Padding despite the full miniseries only clocking in at 40 minutes, little screentime devoted to the characters the series was created to advertise, terrible characterization (with Windblade being depicted as a murderous psychopath for no apparent reason, and Starscream being depicted as humbled by having a position of leadership, only to reveal it was all an act in the final episodes for no reason) and, most infamously, the fact that the web series was released well after the toyline it was made to promote had left retail. When says Energon looks good by comparison, you know something has gone horribly, horribly wrong. And the worst part? They somehow got Dashie and Jon Bailey to work on it (they were the voice of Menasor and freaking Optimus Prime, respectively), and not even they can save this trainwreck. At least the two follow-up series, The Transformers: Titans Return and The Transformers: Power of the Primes, were improvements thanks to longer episodes, better animation, more consistent characterizations, and an All-Star Cast.
