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Headscratchers / Power Rangers in Space

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Headscratchers for Power Rangers in Space.

  • Why didn't the Zeo Rangers take up arms to defend the earth during Countdown to Destruction? After all, we can infer the powers were still there and working, for that matter why didn't Adam use his Zeonizer in Always a Chance?
    • Because they flat out couldn't. The Zeo Crystal was with Zordon when he was captured, without it in the Power Chamber the Zeonizers are nifty little wristwatches.
    • Potentially they were, and they just did so offscreen - the entire planet is under siege, just because Astronema's forces focused on Angel Grove, given the full-scale invasion of the entire universe, that doesn't mean that there was nothing happening across the rest of the world. With the primary focus of the episode on what's happening with the current Rangers, we don't see the other older Rangers (not even just the Zeo Rangers but Justin and the Mighty Morphin's as well), but that doesn't mean they're not doing something. It had been at least a year, longer for others, since they'd had to pick up their morphers and fight, many of them had potentially left Angel Grove - the last we saw Zack and Trini, they had left for Switzerland, Jason and Kim didn't stick around after the Turbo movie, Rocky's last appearance was at graduation... Many of them may have been fighting where the cameras weren't focused. Especially given later portrayals in the anniversary specials of retired Rangers still ready and willing to pick up their morphers when the shit hits the fan and things being REALLY bad, beyond the capabilities of the currently active crop of Rangers, it could just be that they were doing damage control elsewhere from the heart of the fighting.
    • Obviously, out of universe, it was way beyond their budget - Countdown to Destruction had already gotten dropped from a three-parter to a two-parter, clearly they were in no financial shape for cameos.
    • As a matter of general interest, this fanfic presents an interesting look at what the past Rangers may have been up to during the Countdown; "Final Countdown".
  • Horror Bull was supposed to analyze the Rangers' powers and weapons so that in round two, its force field could block them. However, when Zhane showed up during the first fight, Astronema sent another monster to back Horror Bull up. Once you know what her plan was in starting that fight, you gotta ask why she wouldn't want him to fight Horror Bull like all the others.
    • She might have been afraid he'd be strong enough to destroy him before he could finish analyzing the other Rangers' powers.
  • In Megaranger, Megablack was the leader, so why didn't they make Andros the Black Ranger in this season?
    • Because Power Rangers doesn't always have the leader in the adaptation be the same as the leader in the Sentai - Kou was not the leader of the Dairangers; Tommy was the leader, yet you never saw Jason or Rocky switch powers with him. Zeo and Turbo had Tommy stay on as the leader simply because he had already been in the role, and in the case of Zeo, Jason didn't take the role back when he came back as the Gold Ranger for that series.
    • They would have been better off making T.J. the Black Ranger - since he was the leader of the team prior to Andros, it would have been cool to more clearly show him as the secondary leader of the team. It’s a shame that that would have led to Unfortunate Implications.
  • Why isn't Karone more upset about Ecliptor dying? Yes, he was a bad guy but he really did seem to care about her so you'd think she'd be more broken up about it.
    • Depends how much she remembered once her original memories were restored.
    • Who's to say she didn't? We go from her being revived to Andros and Ashley saying goodbye. There had to be a time skip, since they were on Earth in the previous scene and on KO-35 in the next, and they were presumably there helping to rebuild. She probably mourned him offscreen.
  • When being forced to cater to Silvy's every demand in order to keep his identity secret, why was asking for a moon rock the final straw for Carlos, especially since she promised to give him the photo in exchange?
  • If KO-35 is a space colony, who founded it? The rebels don’t seem to have tried fleeing back to any kind of homeworld (ancestral or otherwise) after Dark Spector invaded the colony, suggesting that they couldn’t.
    • Their homeworld could have also been under attack. Alternatively, they could have been in a situation like the next season's Terra Venture colony ship. Their homeworld helps them get set up, but for XYZ reasons, they're not allowed to return home when they're attacked (or maybe they tried, but weren't allowed to stay because their homeworld didn't want Dark Specter's forces turning on them).
  • Why didn't the Z-wave kill or purify all the evil humans on Earth along with the evil aliens? It did for Astronema.
    • Astronema was a Human Alien, not a normal human. Presumably, the Z-wave only affects aliens.
  • Why the hell was Zhane making an interplanetary journey across a galactic warzone riding a goddamned surfboard In Space?! Who the hell does he think he is, the Silver Surfer?
  • If the bad guys had a missile that could take out Earth in one shot, why bother with the surface attack in "Countdown"? Did they want to lure the Rangers back to Earth before they blew up the planet?
  • Everyone always reacts in horror at the implications that the Z-wave might have affected noble monsters or those who were forced into evil because of Ecliptor’s death. However, could his death have just been the result of being both too close to the Z wave's point of origin (right next to Zordon), meaning he was hit with the full brunt force of it, as well as the fact that he had seemingly just lost the closest thing he had to a daughter? He would have been hit with the full brunt force of the wave and might have been consumed with hate and rage and murderous intent towards Andros for killing her, meaning the Z-wave saw him as evil in that moment and a threat that had to be destroyed.
  • Why didn't Andros remember that Darkonda was the one who kidnapped Karone if Darkonda wasn't disguised or anything (and was in plain view)?
  • Why didn't they bring Ernie back instead of redressing the Youth Center set as the Surf Shack? A bridge doesn't take that long to build, even in the Amazon.
    • Out of universe, Ernie's actor had health problems, so they couldn't bring him back. In-universe, Ernie could have been given other assignments we don't get to hear about in his foreign service unit.
