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For all the touching interactions that ensue between the characters of Call of the Night, it still doesn't stop them from thoroughly messing with each other throughout the night.
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    Episode 1 
  • Nazuna high-fives a trio of drunk men dozing off on a bus stop. When Yamori asks her for a reason, she replies that she did it because she could, and that the night is a time of freedom and releasing one's inhibitions. Yamori then attempts to high-five them as well, only for one of the men to throw up in response.
    • Nazuna advises the man to not let the drink consume him. And to clean up the mess he made.
  • Nazuna takes Yamori to her place and tells him to lie down on her futon after taking off her jacket. Yamori asks if they're about to sleep together, only for Nazuna to retort that they're just going to share a bed together. Yamori then protests that they're the same thing.
  • After Nazuna bites Yamori and drinks his blood, he reveals that he was awake the whole time and asks her what just happened. Nazuna retorts that a giant mosquito bit him. While there's still a smidge of blood in her mouth. Yamori tries to pretend to believe her, but Nazuna quickly realizes how utterly unconvincing her story is and apologizes for not coming up with a better one.
  • When Yamori asks Nazuna why she didn't turn him into a vampire when she bit him, Nazuna explains that, to her, sucking blood is like eating. She then compares turning people into vampires with getting new relatives every time you eat. Yamori agrees that such a scenario would suck.
    • Nazuna further clarifies that for a bitten human to turn into a vampire, they must first fall in love with their sire. Her face turns red in embarrassment after saying it.
    • Yamori and Nazuna start bickering between Nazuna being unable to say the word "love" with a straight face and constantly referring to turning humans as "copulation".
  • Nazuna asks Yamori if he has a crush at school, but Yamori retorts that he "doesn't like girls". Nazuna takes this to mean that Yamori is into boys instead and expresses her approval, much to Yamori's annoyance.
  • Nazuna takes Yamori to the top of a building and explains that human blood tastes the best when it is infused with the night. She further elaborates that she wants to infuse Yamori's blood with more night so that the taste will improve further, but that simply staying up late won't be enough to accomplish this. Nazuna then states that she will teach Yamori to enjoy the night — right after kicking him off the roof.

    Episode 2 
  • Nazuna continues to elaborate on the implications of sucking blood, comparing it to eating and copulating at the same time. When Yamori questions why she always says "copulation", Nazuna interprets it as Yamori having no idea how babies are made and tries to give him The Talk before Yamori interrupts her.
  • After Nazuna questions whether or nor Yamori has forgotten his objective, he reaffirms that he wants to become a vampire, and that he needs to fall in love with Nazuna for that to happen. Nazuna repeatedly tries to stop him from saying that last bit, however.
    Yamori: Of course I remember. It's what I want to be some day. I want to be a vampire. That's why I'm here.
    Nazuna: Got it, got it.
    Yamori: That's why...
    Nazuna: I said I got it!
    Yamori: ...I need to fall in love with you, Nazuna Nanakusa!
    Nazuna: I got it, jeez!
  • Nazuna asks Yamori if she can have another taste of his blood. Yamori agrees to give her some and casually exposes his neck for her to take a bite. Nazuna calls him a kinky pervert in response.
    Nazuna: Seriously, you can't look all, "Drink my blood now <3" like that. That's way too lewd.
  • During another night, Yamori has trouble finding Nazuna. When they finally meet, she explains that she was looking for some rando to suck blood from. Yamori calls her a "slutty she-devil", outraged that she's feeding on other people. Nazuna defends herself by comparing feeding on different people to eating rice and bread, but then Yamori throws her own words back at her when he reminds her that she said feeding was the same as copulating.
    • Nazuna can only weakly retort that it's what a vampire does, but it's obvious that Yamori is not convinced.
  • Yamori asks Nazuna for her contact info so he doesn't have to look for her every time. They then share the following exchange:
    Nazuna: There's this line I've always wanted to say, but can I say it now?
    Yamori: G-go ahead...
    Nazuna: Do you do LINE?
    Yamori: ...I don't.
    Nazuna: I don't either!
    Yamori: Then why did you ask?!
    • Yamori then asks that Nazuna just give him her cell phone number, only for Nazuna to reply that she doesn't have one and that she had never needed one. Suddenly, however, she remembers that she did buy a phone once, and returns to her apartment to look for it. She finds it and shows it to Yamori: it's a brick phone. Yamori takes a while to express his confusion.
    • Nazuna refuses to carry her phone with her every time she wants to meet with Yamori because it's too heavy, much to Yamori's exasperation.
    • She adds that she only bought it because she thought she might need it one day, but then smaller models were released only years later. Nazuna decided that phones were more trouble than they were worth and refused to get a new one.
  • Nazuna begins leaking excitement when she learns Yamori bought wristwatch tranceivers and insists that they play with them.
  • Yamori and Nazuna start the test play by exchanging greetings, before pretending they are in the military:
    Nazuna: Enemy sighted up ahead. Should I kill them all? Over.
    Yamori: Not yet. Watch what they do for a bit. Over.
    Nazuna: (laughs) Roger that! I-I'll keep following them! Over.
    • Yamori expresses that he's glad he bought the tranceivers, and that playing with them makes him feel like they're a couple who just started going out, much to Nazuna's embarrassment.

    Episode 3 
  • Nazuna asks Yamori if he really has no friends at all. Yamori's face conveys that he's grown sick of that particular joke.
  • Yamori can't remember giving the tranceiver to Akira. She clarifies that he didn't physically hand it to her, but rather that he left it on top of her mailbox, leaving Yamori to realize he never actually knew her room number.
    • Akira further adds that she was never sure if Yamori thought of her as a friend, but took the tranceiver as his way of expressing his feelings. Yamori is too shocked to explain the misunderstanding and simply retorts with "It's been a while".
  • Yamori notices Akira is wearing her school uniform and assumes she's going home. Akira corrects him and retorts that she's actually heading out before pointing out that something's wrong with Yamori's perception of time.
    Yamori: But it's 4 a.m.! The middle of the night!
    Akira: You mean early morning.
  • Yamori later calls Nazuna to tell her about his meeting with Akira. It... doesn't exactly go well.
    Nazuna: Yeah? What's up, Ko-kun? I was just about to go to sleep. Over.
    Yamori: Nazuna-chan, I've got news.
    Nazuna: Huh?
    Yamori: Apparently, I did have a friend. One friend.
    Nazuna: ...Only one? G'night.
  • Nazuna picks on Yamori for leaving her apartment before the night is over. In her own special way.
    Nazuna: You do your thing and then leave right away... So this is just a physical relationship, huh?
    Yamori: If anything, that pertains to you, Nazuna-chan!
  • Yamori begins to ponder if Akira actually likes him. Before he can finish that line of thought, however, he catches Nazuna spying on them. His ensuing reaction is that of a man caught cheating.
  • Nazuna's trolling bites her in the ass when Akira verbally assumes that Yamori likes her romantically. Nazuna gets so flustered that she decides to stop joking and sucks Yamori's blood in front of Akira so that she will understand the true nature of their relationship. However, since she does it offscreen and we only get a pan of Akira's reaction, the entire scene is given Innocent Innuendo undertones.
  • The trio goes to a diner together, where Nazuna is the only one to order a beer. When she calls out Akira and Yamori on being boring, Akira replies that since they are minors, they can't legally drink beer.
  • Akira gently tries to ask Yamori why he stopped going to school, only for Nazuna to interject that going to school is pointless. Akira is having none of her attitude.
    Akira: Will the monster please stay quiet for a bit?
    Nazuna: "M-monster"? Hey, Ko-kun, this girl's really something!
  • Yamori later asks Nazuna if she's angry after she leaves the diner, but she retorts that she's not angry. When Yamori insists that she is angry, Nazuna gets frustrated, flips off Yamori and flies away. Yamori attempts to pursue her to clear things up, but...
    Yamori: Dammit, I'm not gonna lose sight of you!
    (Smash Cut to Yamori gasping for breath)
    Yamori: I totally lost sight of her...
  • When Yamori tells Nazuna that he wants to make up with her for whatever is making her upset, Nazuna questions the need to do so.
    Nazuna: What we have is purely physical. And you want to make up?
    Yamori: Can we please put that aside for a moment?

    Episode 4 
  • After Yamori examines how he felt about the kiss from the last episode and observes a couple kissing in the street, he somehow determines that, since kissing is done by couples that love each other, Nazuna kissing him means he's fallen in love with her.
    • Nazuna arrives to look for him, upset that this time she waited in a place where Yamori could easily find her. Yamori confidently uncovers his neck and beckons Nazuna to have a bite, which once again prompts Nazuna to call him indecent.
    • For all of Yamori's confidence, he still flinches when Nazuna tells him to come closer.
    • Yamori becomes outraged that he's still not a vampire, only for what's left of his confidence to evaporate when Nazuna correctly deduces why he thought he was in love.
    • The icing on the cake? Nazuna points out that what Yamori felt wasn't love: it was lust.
      Yamori: You mean when you kissed me... I got aroused?
      Nazuna: Guess so! Did you enjoy it that much? Want another one?
  • Akira runs into Yamori, who once again questions her sleep schedule.
    Akira: I just got up.
    Yamori: What? It's midnight. Are you sure you should be waking up now?
    Akira: Doesn't the same go for you, though?
  • After Nazuna schools Yamori in Street Fighter, she asks Akira if she wants to play against her next, offering her a kiss if she wins. Akira passes, prompting Nazuna to ask if she would like to play a different game. Akira then has to clarify that it's the kiss she doesn't want.
    • It then takes a while for Akira to realize the implications of Nazuna's offer:
      Akira: Wait, is the "kissing for winning" something you're telling Yamori too?
      Nazuna: Yeah.
      Yamori: Hey, no you haven't! Will you stop with that kind of thing?!
    • Nazuna states that it doesn't really matter since they kiss all the time anyway. Akira undergoes Color Failure upon hearing this.
      Akira: Look, I want to be supportive, whoever you choose to like or go out with. But you know, with an obscene monster like this, it's hard for me to be understanding.
  • Yamori begins playing a Dating Sim, which the trio proceeds to deconstruct:
  • In response to the above, Nazuna asks Yamori if he likes big boobs, though she uses different terminology.
    Nazuna: What's your deal, Ko-kun? Are girls you don't have to talk with whose bosoms are huge your type?
    Yamori: Why would you say "bosoms"?
    Nazuna: It's more erotic to say "bosoms" than "breasts", y'know?
  • Nazuna decides to call it a day and proposes that everyone go to sleep. It takes a while for Akira to process this.
    Akira: What?! Don't tell me you sleep together?!
    Yamori: Uh, well, but there's nothing indecent about it...
    Nazuna: A guy and a girl sleeping together is indecent enough, isn't it?
  • Nazuna takes a bite at Yamori. A flustered Akira tells them to Get a Room!.
    Nazuna: Well, just hear me out. Isn't guilty pleasure great for spicing things up?
    Akira: Please don't use me for spicing things up.
    • Nazuna and Yamori summarize the whole blood-sucking thing as "supply and demand". They culminate their explanation with a fist bump that hurts Yamori's hand.
    • When Yamori tells Akira that he wants to become a vampire, the best reply she can come up with is that it's great he has a dream for the future.
    • Inevitably, the discussion turns towards why Yamori hasn't turned into a vampire yet despite Nazuna constantly sucking his blood. Nazuna does her best to skirt around the issue, but Yamori insists on discussing it.
      Yamori: Just getting my blood sucked isn't enough! When I fall in love with Nazuna-chan and then I have my blood sucked, that's when I get to turn into a vampire!
      Nazuna: (rolls on the futon) Stop, stop! I'm so embarrassed!
      Yamori: That's why I want to fall in love with Nazuna-chan!
      Nazuna: Eek! Don't say that!
  • Against all odds, Akira manages to fall asleep. For 4 hours.

    Episode 5 

    Episode 6 
  • Shirakawa decides to go get a massage from Nazuna after remembering the one from the last time. If Shirakawa's reaction is anything to go by, Nazuna is truly one hell of a masseuse.
    • Said massage session took place about half a year ago. Shirakawa is able to vividly remember it six months later. Nazuna is that good.
      Shirakawa: (moaning loudly) That feels so good!
      Nazuna: Go ahead and let your voice out.
      Shirakawa: There! Right there!
  • After Nazuna offers to give Yamori 2,000 yen and another kiss, he agrees to give Shirakawa the massage. He puts up an air of suave professionalism which completely creeps her out.
    Shirakawa: He made me wait this long, and now he's acting all weird! I really don't know about this!
  • Yamori insists he's not massaging Shirakawa because he wants a kiss from Nazuna, but rather because it's the money he wants, rationalizing that he does, in fact, make Nazuna pay for everything, and that he feels bad about it.
  • When asked if Yamori's massage hurts, Shirakawa replies that he can press harder. Yamori thinks to himself that he was already pressing pretty hard.
    • Judging from the way Shirakawa kicked her legs a few minutes later, Yamori's massage was actually pretty decent.
  • Shirakawa asks Yamori his age after noticing he actually looks pretty young. It takes her a good minute to process that he's 14 years old.
    • She's just as shocked to learn this is Yamori's first day, leading her to assume that he has complicated circumstances. Shirakawa then asks Yamori why he's working at such a young age, to which he retorts that he simply wants the money (and definitely not a kiss). Shirakawa muses to herself that he really does have complicated circumstances.
  • When Yamori calls for Nazuna to help him stop Shirakawa from going to work, she has him open the window, before proceeding to casually toss Shirakawa through it, leaving a horrified Yamori to scream that surely there must've been a better way.
    • After making sure Shirakawa lands safely, she is understandably left on her knees gasping for air, upon which Nazuna has the gall to ask if she's okay.
      Yamori: Why would she be okay?
  • After Yamori offers to turn Shirakawa into a vampire, Nazuna asks him if he understands the implications of his proposal. Yamori responds that yes, he is aware that Shirakawa would have to fall in love with him before he could turn her. And yes, once again Nazuna becomes embarrassed from hearing the word "love".
  • During another night, Nazuna asks Yamori to come up with something to do so as to not do the same thing every night. She rejects all his proposals until he suggests going to a nighttime pool, which she seems uncharacteristically excited about.
    Nazuna: We're in for some mad vibes tonight!
    Yamori: Nazuna-chan's talking like a party girl!
    Nazuna: What are you, the King of Hip?
  • A small detail cut from the anime: as Yamori explains that he didn't have a swimsuit and that the store rented him one, in the manga he adds that he also got sunglasses, but that Nazuna forced the store to give those.
  • Yamori begins to wonder what Nazuna's swimsuit looks like, musing that her stripperiffic outfit doesn't exactly leave room for imagination. When Nazuna shows up shortly after wearing a loose shirt and a skirt on top of her swimsuit...
    Yamori: If anything, she's showing less skin than usual. And yet, why? Why is that more erotic than usual?

    Episode 7 
  • Yamori chastises a girl he just met for shamelessly showing him a glimpse of her bra. The girl retorts that he has no place to criticize when he keeps ogling at her chest.
  • When Nazuna saves Yamori from being bitten by the girl (who turns out is another vampire), she calls her a "turbo slut/friggin' hussy".
  • Yamori is offered the opportunity to pick any member of the vampire council to turn him into one. His response that he wants Nazuna shocks everyone so hard that the music stops. The look on the vampires' faces is one of "what the hell is wrong with your brain?"
  • Niko and Midori begin bickering over who is a better match for Yamori, with Midori arguing that virgins don't dig Niko and that she likes them better anyway. Yamori then interrupts them and complains over their assumption that he's a virgin. The argument is immediately brought to a halt.
    Niko and Midori: Huh?! You're not a virgin?!
    Yamori: What?! Of course I am!!
  • Niko's comment that she would get along with Yamori prompts the other vampires to reveal in their thoughts that such a phrase is one of Niko's favorite strategies to approaching her targets. The way they analyze it makes it sound as if flirting is Serious Business among vampires.
  • The vampire council starts indulging into love talk, which makes Yamori slightly uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Nazuna similarly states to Seri that she hates the vampire council because they do nothing but engage in love talk.
  • Midori takes her own stab at Yamori by saying she wants to hear more about him. Similarly to Niko, the rest of the vampires analyze her approach down to the seat relocation.
  • When the vampire council tells Yamori that they can't allow him to keep seeing Nazuna since he doesn't experience romantic attraction and doesn't want to become a vampire, he has to spell out to them that he does, in fact, want to become a vampire. Somehow this bit of information eluded them, if their reaction is any indication.
    • Yamori then firmly states that he wants to fall in love with Nazuna... just as she performs a superhero landing on the terrace. When she doesn't even move from her spot, Hatsuka takes a closer look and tells everyone that she's red as a tomato and that she probably won't talk for a while.
    • Yamori then tries to check on her, but Nazuna tells him to shut up and not talk to her.
    • The vampire council tries to advise her to change her attitude to seem more approachable, but Nazuna also tells them to shut up.
  • Nazuna compares the idea of Yamori randomly turning into a vampire after she bites him to a Shotgun Wedding. Once again, she's comparing sucking blood to copulating.

    Episode 8 
  • When Yamori learns he has a time limit of one year since the first bite before he can no longer be turned into a vampire, he gives an accusing look to Nazuna.
  • Before leaving, Nazuna decides to give the vampire council the middle finger... by marking her territory and planting a kiss on Yamori right in front of them.note 
  • Akira is immediately able to pick up that Yamori will be killed if he doesn't turn into a vampire after a year. Yamori somehow missed the memo.
  • As Mahiru explains that he was sleeping on the stairs because he was up all night fooling around, Akira wonders if going out at night has become some kind of trend.
    • Mahiru then adds that he's met a girl he likes and that they can only meet at night, leaving Akira to ask if she's a vampire, much to Mahiru's confusion.
  • Mahiru expresses hope that the two of them can hang out with Yamori like they used to. Akira asks him if they ever did, seemingly unable to remember even one instance where it was just the three of them.
  • Yamori runs into Seri at night. Remembering the night they first met (where she tried to kill him), and just like the first night he went to Nazuna's apartment, he immediately tries to run for it.
    Seri: If it isn't Yamori-kun! 'Sup?
    Yamori: Huh? Who do you mean? You must be mistaken,andnowIgottago,BYE!
    • Unfortunately for Yamori, Seri heard that his blood is tasty.
      Seri: By the way, I heard your blood's mad tasty? I'm so intrigued!
  • Seri gets all fuzzy when Yamori asks her what it means to fall in love.
    Seri: H-holy crap! A pure and innocent middle schooler asking, "What is love like?" Ahhhh! Is this for real? I can't even!
  • Following Seri's advice, Yamori asks Nazuna out on a date. She closes the door on his face.
    • Yamori follows her into the apartment only to find her playing Minecraft.
      Yamori: You won't go on a date with me because you're GAMING?!
      Nazuna: I mean, look at this, Ko-kun! I found diamonds! Isn't that sweet?!
    • When Yamori protests that he doesn't know what's so good about diamonds, Nazuna calls him a sad human being. Yamori shuts down her console in response.
      Nazuna: Thank goodness these recent consoles autosave, but if this was a retro game it could've been awful!
      Yamori: Fine, fine. Let's go on a date, okay?
      Nazuna: He doesn't get it at all!
  • As part of the date plan, Yamori takes Nazuna to see a movie. A romantic movie. Nazuna calmly asks Yamori why he specifically picked a romcom.
    • The next steps of the date plan involve going to a cafe and discussing the movie. When Yamori asks Nazuna what she thought of the movie, her face can be best described as "are you shitting me?!".
    • Yamori quickly realizes the entire date plan is a dumpster fire, but notes he still can't stop himself from following it word for word.
    • Seri advised Yamori to not tell Nazuna that it was she who came up with the date plan. In Yamori's defense, he doesn't; Nazuna realizes the truth the second she swipes the date plan from Yamori's hand.
  • Nazuna calls Yamori lame and goes home. Smash Cut to Yamori laying on his bed and cringing over how much of a failure the date was.
    Yamori: Failing your first date kinda kills you inside.
    • He then takes a moment to wonder what he did wrong. Not one second later, he answers his own question with "everything".
  • While Yamori and Mahiru are catching up, Yamori tells Mahiru how happy he is to see him again. Akira chooses that exact moment to make her presence known.
    • Mahiru asks Akira if she's heading home; she retorts that she just got out of bed.
      Yamori: Akira's sleep cycle is out of whack.
      Akira: I definitely don't want to hear that from you.
  • Mahiru thanks Yamori for encouraging him before taking his leave. This makes him happier than Akira is comfortable with.
    Yamori: I don't know what just happened, but Mahiru-kun just thanked me. I'm so happy!
    Akira: You know, around Mahiru you really get corny.
  • Nazuna holds hands with Yamori under the pretext that if she lets him out of her sight, he will disappear in the blink of an eye. Yamori retorts that it's the other way around.

    Episode 9 
  • Seri sees Yamori alone in the street and tries to glomp him. Nazuna is having none of that and knees her in the face, sending her flying head-first into a signpost.
    • Seri's face as she's being knee'd in slow motion.
    • Yamori defends Seri by telling Nazuna she hadn't done anything to him yet. Nazuna ignores him.
      Nazuna: Ko-kun, did she do anything to you? I just wanted to protect you.
      Yamori: I just said she didn't! Thank you, though?!
    • Then Nazuna drops the act and admits she just doesn't like Seri.
      Nazuna: Sorry, the truth is her face annoys me, so my leg just acted up.
      Yamori: The most important bit about wanting to protect me vanished!
    • Nazuna reassures Yamori that vampires are pretty tough and that what she did was not nearly enough to break Seri's skull. Seri interrupts her by punching her behind the head before she can finish. The two immediately start fighting each other.
  • Seri criticizes Yamori for not livening things up while she sings. She then becomes outraged upon learning that he doesn't know the song or watch TV.
    Seri: Jeeez! You brag about not watching TV?!
    Yamori: Not watching TV is worth bragging about?
    Seri: Stop it with your uber innocent reactions!!
  • Yamori takes a while to realize "Akkun" is what Seri calls Akiyama, the guy he's been addressing as "Mr. Draggo".
    • He keeps calling him "Mr. Draggo" anyway, even after learning his real name. Akiyama can only weakly protest this.
  • As he watches Seri turn Akiyama into her offspring, Yamori thinks to himself on how unfair it is that he gets to turn so easily while he can't. Nazuna not only reads his mind on this, she also points out it all happened because he butted in.

    Episode 10 
  • When one of the girls at the maid café Midori works at can't make it, Midori ponders on how to find a replacement; the only people she knows are vampires, however, and asking any of them to fill in is asking for the job to turn into a popularity contest. She then muses on how convenient it would be if there was someone she could ask that wasn't popular with guys. Cue Nazuna and Yamori running into her.
    Nazuna: Hey, it's Midori. What's with the kooky getup?
    Yamori: I didn't realize you were a maid, Kohakobe-san.
    • Midori asks Nazuna for help, but Nazuna can't help but feel she's being insulted.
  • Nazuna agrees to help Midori, but upon realizing Yamori would be doing nothing in the meantime, she asks him if he would like to wear a maid outfit as well. He refuses.
  • Midori's thoughts make it blatantly clear that she's still sore about Yamori rejecting her when they first met, calling him an absurd blockhead and planning to show him how cute she can be.
  • Yamori is not clear on the finer points of role play and maid cafés.
    Midori: Welcome home, Master!
    Nazuna: Hey there.
    Yamori: Excuse me for intruding...
    Midori: Uh hey, don't ruin the role play.
  • Nazuna doesn't bother trying to act like a maid, either.
    Midori: Nazuna-chan, introduce yourself.
    Nazuna: Yo.
    • Midori chastises Nazuna for not learning her lines, only for Nazuna to complain she can't be arsed to remember such a long line.
    • She also can't seem to grasp that she's supposed to serve the customers. This prompts Midori to briefly break character. Loudly.
      Nazuna: Also, can I sit here, too?
    • Midori reminds Nazuna that she will be getting paid for her assistance, something she should already know. Nazuna reveals that she doesn't; she wasn't paying attention when Midori told her.
    • Upon realizing she will be getting paid, Nazuna decides to actually try to act like a maid. The results are... marginally better.
      Nazuna: Master dude!
      Midori: Politely, Nazuna-chan.note 
    • At this point Midori gives up and figures Nazuna might as well attempt to play a unique character. Surely someone might like her.
    • Nazuna can be heard coming up with different ways to address the customers, ranging from "milord" to "th' masta", "big boss" and "my liege".
  • Yamori is briefly thrown off when Arisa, another maid, asks him if this is "his first time home".
  • Midori learns that someone is taking racy pictures of the maids and uploading them on social media. When she shows the pictures to Yamori and Nazuna, she calls out Yamori for zooming in to get a better look. He was legitimately just trying to get a better look without ulterior motives in mind, but he still gets flustered from the accusation.
    • Nazuna teases him over it, too.
      Nazuna: Ko-kun, you perv. You horny perv-man.
      Yamori: H-horny perv-man?!
    • Midori warns Yamori not to look at her pictures; Yamori bluntly retorts that there aren't any.
      Midori: Huh?! They didn't take any of me, the number one maid?! But I'm the obvious first choice!
      Nazuna: Huh? You wanted your pictures taken?
      Midori: No, of course not!
    • Yamori is able to tell that all the pictures are of Arisa. Midori asks him if he has some power that allows him to tell who a woman is just by looking at her lower body, before calling him gross.
  • The next day, Arisa catches Yamori staring at her pictures as he tries to find a way to catch the culprit. While she's aware of the latter bit, Yamori still gets the bejesus scared out of him.
    • Yamori is so focused on searching for clues that Arisa has to verbally tell him that she needs to get changed for her shift. He promptly bolts out of the room while apologizing.
  • Yamori figures that the culprit must've taken some of the pictures from the balcony outside the changing room, only to find the door leading to the balcony is securely locked. Nazuna's first suggestion is to simply break the lock; Yamori suggests that she come up with something else.
  • Nazuna has Yamori take a picture of her to see how it compares to one of Arisa's. Let's just say a crying baby might've looked better.
    • Nazuna takes offense to Yamori's reaction, only to literally have the same reaction when she sees her own picture.
  • Yamori has an "Eureka!" Moment as to the perp's identity, prompting Nazuna to compare him to "a genius detective whose IQ skyrockets when Peeping Tom photos are involved".
    Yamori: If I don't get to be a vampire, maybe I'll be a detective when I grow up.
    Nazuna: Only for Peeping Tom photos.
    • Yamori mimics Nazuna's earlier Always Wanted to Say That routine, much to her amusement.
      Yamori: There's a detective line I've always wanted to say. Can I?
      Nazuna: Ooh, what's that?
      Yamori: When work's over, gather everyone together. If what I've deduced is correct, the culprit will definitely come to the crime scene!
      Nazuna: So cool...
  • When Midori excitedly asks Yamori if he's actually going to catch the culprit, his earlier confidence slowly evaporates.
    Midori: Is it true you're going to catch the culprit?!
    Yamori: Most definitely. No... Well, about 80% sure. Maybe 60%? Or more like 40 or 50. Well, definitely is a strong word. If I'm lucky I might figure it out, maybe?
    Midori: He is losing confidence with every word!
  • In order to catch the culprit, Yamori asks Midori to find them a hiding spot. The only spot available was the one locker that wasn't locked, leaving the two stuffed inside together.
  • When it turns out Arisa was simply taking selfies, Yamori explains how he deduced that was the case. Among his other, more logical reasons, he points out that there weren't any panty shots. Midori quickly realizes the implications behind such an argument:
    • Midori points out how they only cracked the mystery thanks to a guy's perspective. Nazuna agrees with her.
      Nazuna: So a horny mind led to solving the case.
      Yamori: Will you shut up?

    Episode 11 
  • Using the money she earned working at the maid café, Nazuna has bought a few things to improve her cuddle buddy business, such as an actual bed, a lamp, a foot massager, a radio and assorted cosplay costu- wait, what?
  • Nazuna reveals that she learned something while working as a maid:
  • She then sends Yamori to look for potential cusotmers on the street. He finds a tired woman on a bridge and asks her if she would like to chat for a bit; it doesn't take him long to realize he just sounded like he was hitting on her.
    • After he explains that this was not the case, the woman teases Yamori over how excited she was that such a young man was hitting on her.
    • Yamori tells the woman about the cuddle buddy business, upon which she retorts that he should've led with the fact that it was "that" kind of business.
    • A flustered Yamori tries to tell her that it's nothing sketchy, before admitting to himself that is is a little sketchy after all.
  • The woman, Anko, gives Yamori her business card, upon which he learns she is a Private Detective. He immediately gets excited at the prospect of meeting one.
    Yamori: Detectives actually exist?!
    Anko: I know what you want to say...
    Yamori: Do murders really happen in locked rooms and stuff?!
    Anko: I figure Conan-kun takes care of that kind of stuff.
  • Before parting ways with Yamori, Anko tells him to hit on her properly next time they meet; that is, if he doesn't mind older women.
  • Nazuna gets upset that not only did Yamori not find her any customers, but that he went to a cafe with "some woman" instead. She then throws a tantrum and states that she's not moving a finger until she gets some booze, only for Yamori to reveal he already planned for that.
    Yamori: I thought you might say that.
    Nazuna: Hm?
    Yamori: (shows Nazuna two bags full of beer cans) I actually went and bought these!
    Nazuna: Yay! I wuv you, Ko-kun!
  • Mahiru takes Yamori and Akira to sneak into the school at night so they can have fun. Akira chastises him for casually suggesting illegal tresspasing.
  • Mahiru's idea of fun consists of verifying their school's version of The Seven Mysteries, the first of which involves checking if there's a ghost haunting the girls' bathroom. Because the boys can't enter, Mahiru tells Akira to go inside while he waits outside with Yamori. Smash Cut to Akira calling out the ghost while Mahiru can be seen with a Cranial Eruption.
    Mahiru: She didn't have to hit me.
  • The third mystery is called "The Staircase That Sometimes Has One Step Too Many Or Too Few". Akira questions which one it is: too many or too few.
  • The fourth mystery is about an anatomical model that starts dancing. Yamori is quick to point out it can't dance since the anatomical model in question has no legs.
  • The fifth mystery involves the sound of a ball bouncing in the gym when no one's around. Yamori finds a ball but can only comment that no one's cleaned it in a while.
  • The sixth mystery involves having your foot pulled deeper when you swim in the pool. The trio can't even confirm it since they can't get inside the pool in the first place.
  • The seventh mystery is about a mirror that doesn't reflect people. Except it does.
  • The eight mystery is about a moving statue - except their school doesn't have a statue.
  • Mahiru shares that there's actually a ninth mystery about a teacher who went missing ten years ago, said to appear in a classroom at night. Yamori barely reacts to it while Akira questions why a missing teacher would return to the school at night.

    Episode 12 

    Episode 13 
  • Hatsuka invites Yamori to her place, where they are received by three of her offspring, who are rather... fanatical in their devotion to Hatsuka.
    Offspring 1: I did just as I was told!
    Offspring 2: Me too, me too!
    Offspring 3: I did my very best to make you proud, Hatsuka-sama!
    Hatsuka: (deadpan) Yeah? Good job.
    Offspring 3: (squees with delight)
    Offspring 2: She praised you!
    Offspring 1: I'm so jealous!
    • They quickly change their tune, however, when Hatsuka asks them to leave since she has invited Yamori over. One of them even pulls her own hair from the shock.
      Offspring 1: BUT WHY?!
      Offspring 2: A GUEST?! WHO IS HE?!
  • As Yamori beats himself up over the shitty night he's had so far, Hatsuka comes out of the shower naked and asks Yamori to fetch her a towel since she forgot to grab one. Yamori just spaces out staring at Hatsuka once he notices her... or rather, his "equipment".
    Yamori: Um, I just want to get this straight. You're a guy?
    Hatsuka: Yeah.
    Hatsuka: What's the matter?
    Yamori: Uh, it's just too much for my brain to take.
  • After Niko destroys a table in anger over Nazuna's request to spare Yamori's life, Midori takes a picture of the table while chastising Niko for taking out her anger on the furniture. Niko just tells her to shut up in response.
  • Hatsuka calls Yamori lame for getting hung up on whether or not he wants to be a vampire after he made such a big show of wanting to become one when they first met. Yamori attempts to explain that a lot of things happened in the meantime, but cuts himself off when he realizes Hatsuka just called him "lame".
  • Yamori catches Hatsuka offguard when he plainly and casually states he has a cute face. It's so out of character that it provokes a Spit Take from Hatsuka, who is left visibly flustered afterwards.
  • Yamori goes out to look for Nazuna, only to remember why he went to Hatsuka's apartment when he runs into another police car.
  • Niko relates to Hatsuka that violence isn't her thing. Hatsuka, who is standing next to the remains of the table Niko pulverized earlier, can only think to himself "yeah, right" in response.
