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Film / The Secret War of Harry Frigg

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A 1968 American war comedy film directed by Jack Smight that has a private (Paul Newman) leading a rescue of five Allied generals (Andrew Duggan, Tom Bosley, John Williams, Charles Gray, and Jacques Roux) captured by the Italians during World War II.

The cast also includes Sylvia Koscina, Vito Scotti, Werner Peters, James Gregory, Fabrizio Mioni, Johnny Haymer, Norman Fell, and Buck Henry.

It was released on February 29, 1968.

Tropes for the film:

  • Character Title: The Secret War of Harry Frigg.
  • Gilded Cage: Five Allied Brigadier Generals are captured by the Italians and confined to a pleasant Italian villa. As it appears that they have become comfortable with their captivity note , HQ grabs a. private known for his escape antics, promotes him to Major General so he can order them around, then sends him to get them all out.
  • Great Escape: When several Allied Brigadier Generals are captured by the Italians during World War II, the Americans take their best escape artist: Private Harry Frigg - he's escaped from pretty much every military stockade they have - promote him to Major General, so he'll outrank all the others, and arrange for him to be captured in the same region so he'll be sent to the same prison to break the other generals out.
  • Outranking Your Job: Five Allied Brigadier generals are captured by the Italian Army. None of the generals can command the others and so every escape plan is a stalemate. Allied high command sends Harry Frigg, an escape artist, to rescue them, and that they must promote him from private to major general so that he can actually give orders to the POWs.
  • Tagline: "There are 5 generals inside...and one Private outside...the problem was to get the 5 Generals inside outside...and avoid getting waylaid by a beautiful countess!".
