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The educational and vocational preferences of a cohort spatially gifted females and males from the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth
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The educational and vocational preferences of a cohort spatially gifted females and males from the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth

Author: Melissa Bernadine Lange
Publisher: 1999.
Dissertation: M.S. Iowa State University 1999
Edition/Format:   Thesis/dissertation : Thesis/dissertation : Manuscript   Archival Material : English
This study was designed to gain a better understanding of the unique profile of interests, abilities, values, and preferences of spatially gifted adolescents. It has been hypothesized that spatial ability is related to success in careers in engineering and the sciences. The adolescents in the study were participants in the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY) and at the time were enrolled in summer

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Genre/Form: Academic theses
Material Type: Thesis/dissertation, Manuscript
Document Type: Book, Archival Material
All Authors / Contributors: Melissa Bernadine Lange
OCLC Number: 42465636
Notes: Typescript (photocopy).
Description: 111 leaves : illustrations ; 29 cm
Responsibility: by Melissa Bernadine Lange.


This study was designed to gain a better understanding of the unique profile of interests, abilities, values, and preferences of spatially gifted adolescents. It has been hypothesized that spatial ability is related to success in careers in engineering and the sciences. The adolescents in the study were participants in the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY) and at the time were enrolled in summer programs for academically gifted youth at a large Midwestern university. Subjects were identified as spatially gifted based on a composite score from three measures of spatial-visualization and mechanical reasoning (Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test, Cubes test, and Bennett Mechanical Comprehension test). Comparisons between genders and levels of spatial ability were made on measures of mathematical ability, vocational interest and values, and educational/occupational preferences.

Chi-squared and analysis of variance procedures were used. Spatially gifted males were found to possess intense Investigative vocational interests and Theoretical values, strong mathematical abilities, and a preference for activities involving contact with objects. Spatially gifted females had a slightly different profile, with strong Artistic vocational interests, Aesthetic values, and a preference for activities involving working with others. Results were discussed as they apply to the under-representation of females in careers in engineering and the sciences.

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