Advanced RECAP Search

Search our database of millions of PACER documents and dockets.

Install the free RECAP extensions for Firefox and Chrome to contribute to this archive.

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Operators Quick List

AND - Intersection

OR - Union

-, !, NOT - Negation

" " - Phrase search

( ) - Grouped queries

: - Fielded search

*, ? - Wildcard

~ - Fuzzy and proximity

[x TO y] - Ranges

^ - Field boosting

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About CourtListener's RECAP Archive


The RECAP Archive is a searchable collection of millions of PACER documents and dockets that were gathered using our RECAP Extensions for Firefox and Chrome. PACER is the government-run system where nearly every legal document is filed from federal cases. The archive also includes every free PACER opinion. This unique archive was created to partially address what we see as the PACER Problem.

Using this archive, you can finally search and download millions of PACER documents, including those that were originally scanned PDFs, which we laboriously convert to text.

This work was made possible thanks to a partnership with The Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton, the generous data contributions of thousands of RECAP users, and a ton of volunteer support.

If you find this work valuable, or if it saves you money on your PACER bill, please donate.

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Get Involved — Install the Extensions

This archive of data was created by users of the RECAP Extensions. Learn more and install them at the RECAP homepage.

Install the Extensions

Research Service and API

Free Law Project, the non-profit behind RECAP, is proud to host a research service and API for PACER content. If you are an organization that needs PACER content or a researcher looking for bulk data, please get in touch.

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