all 6 comments

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I have little to say other than: those aliens are massive assholes. Seriously, guys, what the fuck?

[–]JackStargazerPrimordial Apologist 0 points1 point  (4 children)

It's funny, If you read the really, really old sci fi "Lensmen" series, in the prequel 'Triplanetary', there was a race whose entire culture ran on some kind of fusion engine that only consumed allotropic iron. They can to our solar system to get it, because their system by chance had very little of it.

Of course, our heroes managed to steal the technology, as well as their FTL, reverse engineer and improve upon it, and return home in a stolen ship.

But their mining technique was very similar to this, only they stole it from the ships in space at the time. And it also stole the iron from the bodies of humans if I recall.

[–]PeridexisErrantput aside fear for courage, and death for life 1 point2 points  (3 children)

fusion engine that only consumed allotropic iron

Of course, iron is at the break-even point between fission and fusion... so it's a good thing the aliens can simply reverse time to extract energy.

[–]JackStargazerPrimordial Apologist 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Now, keep in mind this series was begun in the 30's, prior to the Manhatten Project. Triplanetary was first serialized in 1934. The series as a whole also features star pumped x ray lasers, relativstic projectiles, antimatter projectiles, relativistic planets, antimatter planets, and relativistic antimatter planets used as weapons.

There is a trope called Lensmen Arms Race for a reason.

I think he gets a pass on that one.

[–]PeridexisErrantput aside fear for courage, and death for life 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I know and love the series for its place in history, and if you can get past the cultural dissonance they're actually pretty fun.

My point/headcanon/joke was combining the fact that FTL travel implies time-reversal and that the only net-energy-gain for nuclear reactions of iron is in the past, means that the FTL ships can go FTL because they can go FTL. It's an engine that goes because it can't start.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

FTL travel implies time-reversal

Nah, worldgating just requires root-access on reality or huge amounts of mass-energy to bend space with.