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I like the parallelized hash chain construction idea; I've never seen that before.

One could improve a chunk of the chain by having checkpoints along the way. As the author mentioned, it would suck to be 2 years into mining a 35-year computation, only to make a mistake that you can't detect until the very end.

To add checkpoints, one could release both the original seed of the chain A, and a number of pairs of hashes (x0,y0) (x1,y1) ...

Let's say you wanted to do 1-month chains. Hash the seed A for a week, then take the current value x0 such that H(B)=x0. You know the value of B, since you've been computing the chain. Pick another random value y0, and continue the chain with H(B^y0). Write (x0,y0) in the output, and hash for another week. Do the same for (x1,y1) (x2,y2) and (x3,y3). Each chain then has a seed value and 4 pairs of 'checkpoints'.

When unlocking the crypto puzzle, these checkpoints can't be used to jump ahead in the computation, but they can tell you that you're on the right track.

I think that you could even use a secondary hash chain for the y_n values, so y_n+1=H(y_n). If you also derived y0 from A (e.g. y0=H(A^const) ), you would just need to publish the seed value A and each checkpoint hash x_n in order to have a fully checkpointed crypto puzzle.

One problem I can see with that is you have to be very careful that your hashes (x_i, y_i) don't make it more attractive to, say, solve the n-1th computation (similar to brute-forcing a password hash) than to do the first 1..n-1 computations properly.

Good point! Still, I think the best hash inversion I've seen is slightly under 1/2 the hash space (2/5ths?). Using a 512-bit hash like SHA3, even at an ungodly hash rate (1 TH/s), you still get approximately 2^141 seconds = 2^133 years maximum chain length before it becomes more efficient to invert the hash.

This is a pretty well understood construct, called hash stretching. The correct implementation is in each (or every 5h, etc) iteration you test if the key is valid by trying to decrypt, then continuing if unsuccessful. That way the attacker has no idea what n is.

> I like the parallelized hash chain construction idea; I've never seen that before.

Which, given that it's cryptography we're talking about, probably just means that it's completely insecure. :)

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