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Well, I have just tried with GPT-3

Prompt (almost verbatim Lem): "Write a love poem, lyrical, pastoral, and expressed in the language of pure mathematics. Tensor algebra mainly, with a little topology and higher calculus, if need be. But with feeling and in the cybernetic spirit. In verses."


  In the space of my heart
  your love is a point
  defined by certain coordinates
  (x, y, z)
  that exist in a specific time
  But your love is more than that
  it's also a vector
  with magnitude and direction
  that can be graphed on a coordinate plane.

  Your love is a function
  of time and space
  it's a curve that's always changing
  but always coming back to me.
  It's the limit of my heart's desires
  and the product of our two hearts' vectors.
Yes, it sucks, but it looks like we're getting there.

I beat you to that a long time ago: https://gwern.net/GPT-3#stanislaw-lems-cyberiad :)


That poem is epic. I LOVE IT!


That's one of the best things I have read.

GPT3 :) ?

Wow, that does suck. And where exactly are do you think we are getting? Use enough flops to raise the temp of the planet slightly to make banal doggerel? Seems like quite the wrong thing to do with GPT-3.

I think that poem is beautiful.... Apparently, I am the Beholder.

A Beholder? [0] good thing I've got a D20 with me. Get ready for some initiative...

[0] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beholder_(Dungeons_%26_Drago...

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