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  • Average ejaculate... 2.0 ml, normal can be sometimes as high as 6.0 ml
  • Percent of sperm in ejaculate which is living... 75%
Interestingly, sperm count differs with geography, and we can see the starting of an East Coast/West Coast rivalry in motility ratios of sperm present in men's ejaculate (the count of good, active, and fertile sperm). New York City sports 102.9 while Los Angeles with 80.8, but neither is in as bad shape as Columbia Missouri with 53.5 (all figures given times 100000/mL.)


Certain tribes in Melanesia consider it important for boys to ingest semen, in order for them to grow up to be strong, fertile men. By "certain" we mean about 20% of the tribes. For some tribes, the semen may be ingested orally or anally. Generally, once a boy begins ejaculating on his own, there is no need for further donations by fellow tribesmen. The White Man is trying to stamp out this practice.


1918 Dr. Marie Stopes publishes Wise Parenthood, a book with a seemingly uninteresting title, until you realize that it contains her findings that women receive beneficial effects from semen. Stopes, a staunch birth control advocate, thenceforth takes an unusual stand against condoms.
28 Feb 1997 President Bill Clinton ejaculates his semen load onto Monica Lewinsky's blue dress.
Jun 2002 A study by the University of New York published in Archives of Sexual Behavior shows that women who receive their hot beef injections from men without condoms are significantly happier than those who are unable for whatever reason to have manseed absorbed into the vagina because a damn condom is in the way.

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