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Wham Line / One Piece

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Do not add spoilers to this page. Wham Line is a spoileriffic trope by its very nature, so spoiler tagging every example would be pointless.

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    Super Rookies Era 
  • In the Syrup Village arc, Usopp does not get along with Kaya's butler Klahadore, but even he isn't expecting to hear him say the following.
    Klahadore/Captain Kuro: Have you prepared everything necessary to carry out the plan?
    Jango: Of course I have. Operation "Murder Miss Kaya" is ready to go any time.
  • In the Baratie arc, as the Krieg pirates prepare to attack the Baratie, things go From Bad to Worse as Yosaku and Johnny swim back to the Baratie with the following news, which reveals that Nami has stolen the Straw Hats' ship and treasure.
    "Sorry, Brother Zoro! They're...they're gone! Sister Nami! She sailed off with all the treasure!"
  • This bit from the end of the Drum Island arc.
    Dr. Kureha: Monkey D. Luffy? Just like Gol D. Roger. So it still lives... the Will of D. Chopper is traveling with a very dangerous man.
  • During the Alabasta Arc: Luffy of all people has a serious one when pointing out a harsh but necessary truth to Vivi:
    Luffy: People die.
  • At the end of the Alabasta arc, after teasing the idea of becoming a full-time Straw Hat, Vivi suddenly, and unexpectedly to anyone, including the readers, shuts the idea down to her crew as they ready to pick her up, in one huge line:
  • At the end of the Alabasta arc, Nico Robin, formerly the Straw Hats' enemy, appears on the Going Merry and makes the following request. Unlike other crewmates, there had been little indication that Robin would eventually join.
    Robin: I want to join your crew.
  • Kaku gives some very unpleasant news when the Straw Hats ask about the Going Merry, in hopes that the shipwrights of Water 7 (the best in the world) can repair their ship.
    Kaku: I'm going to give it to you straight. Your ship... can't be fixed! Not even with our skills!note 
  • This line from Lucci, when discussing Cutty Flam, Tom's second apprentice, who was presumed deceased but is the most likely person to have Pluton's blueprints.
    Lucci: In other words, Tom's second apprentice, Cutty Flam, is still alive... and living in this town, no less. But now he goes by Franky!
  • A minor but still important one from the Post-Enies Lobby Arc:
    Whitebeard: (to Shanks) I still remember when you were an apprentice on Gol D. Roger's ship.
  • In the Thriller Bark arc, when Franky and Robin are talking with Brook, Franky asks why Brook hasn't given up after decades of loneliness and an uncertain future awaiting him. Brook then replies that he made a promise to see a friend again. The name of that friend makes the first arc in the Grand Line an Innocuously Important Episode.
    Brook: The friend we promised to meet again at the cape is named... Laboon.
  • In Chapter 512, showing exactly how serious things have gotten...:
    Luffy: EVERYBODY!!! Focus on escaping!!!! We CAN'T beat these guys!!!note 
  • Another one from Chapter 550:
    Sengoku: The truth is...Portgas D. Ace, your father is the Pirate King: Gold Roger!
  • Whitebeard's last words:
    Whitebeard: The One Piece is REAL!!!
  • After Zoro deciphered the "3D2Y" message from Luffy in Chapter 597:
    Zoro: We are to meet up not after 3 days, but after 2 years!

    New World Era 
  • From the Fishman Island arc, the revelation of Arc Villain Hody Jones' true motives:
    Prince Fukaboshi: What could humans have possibly done to you?
    Hody Jones: Nothing.
  • At the end of Fishman Island arc, it's revealed what one of the Ancient Weapons truly is.
    Nico Robin: Which means, Princess Shirahoshi's other name is the Ancient Weapon, Poseidon.
  • This gem from Chapter 650, revealing who won the fight to become the new Fleet Admiral:
    Jinbe: And the winner was Akainu!! Sakazuki is the Fleet Admiral of the Marines!!
  • In the Dressrosa arc, Sanji gives some unfortunate news that, by revealing that one assumption the alliance had been operating on is no longer true, reveals that the entire plan is falling apart.
    Sanji: Doflamingo never stepped down from the Seven Warlords!
    • Chapter 739: The Toy Soldier's true identity is revealed.
    Leo: No one remembers him anymore but in the past his name was Kyros, the strongest gladiator in the Colosseum's history. That's our captain.
  • In chapter 744, we finally get confirmation of something that a huge chunk of the fandom had been hoping was true for almost three years:
    Sabo: He was the man that will become the Pirate King... Straw Hat Luffy. He's my younger brother.
  • Chapter 763: Trafalgar Law reveals his full name in a flashback:
    Law: I'm really not supposed to be telling you guys's Trafalgar D. Water Law.
  • From the same chapter, Corazon surprises both Law and the readers with his first spoken dialogue:
    Corazon: Law, get away from Doffy as soon as possible!
  • Chapter 764: Some of the portions of the Will of D is revealed.
    Corazon: Those who carry the name of D. are God'snote  mortal enemies!!!
  • Chapter 783, as Luffy vs. Doflamingo heats up:
    Luffy: Gear...Fourth!
  • Chapter 795 gives us a narration that bodes ill for the near future, with the wham at the end:
    Narrator: This man just committed suicide. A sort of suicide you don't see every day…suicide by jumping off a sky island... ...This man, alone, challenged and was captured by the Navy and Emperors 18 times. Tortured over one thousand. 40 times he was given the death sentence. They tried to hang him; the chains simply broke. They tried to guillotine him; the blades simply shattered. They tried to skewer him; the spears simply snapped. This man alone sunk 9 mammoth prison ships. His hobbies include attempting suicide. In other words, no one could kill this man. And that included... the man himself. He goes by the name... Hundred-Beast Kaido.
  • Chapter 813: Why exactly is Sanji important to Big Mom?
    Bege: The wedding of Sanji, the third son of the Vinsmoke Family, is scheduled in a week to Charlotte Pudding, 35th daughter of the Charlotte Family.
  • Chapter 816, has a comedic and heartwarming Wham Line, one that comes after Duke Dogstorm and Cat Viper repeatedly denied that Raizo was on Zou, even while Jack was torturing and maiming them.
    Cat Viper: Sir Raizo... is safe!
  • Chapter 818 reveals a cluster of whams that changes the story of One Piece from this point on. Starting with the Poneglyph that was found in Zou.
    Duke Dogstorm: That red stone is called a Road Poneglyph!! It is meant to serve as a guide to the place the most powerful men on the sea seek!! The end point of the Grand Line!!!
    Robin: You mean... to Laugh Tale, the final island?!!
    Dogstorm: Precisely!!
  • Chapter 850, Sanji is bring up some food for his bride-to-be, Pudding.
    Pudding: Marry him? Me? Not in a thousand years!
  • Chapter 862, Pudding gets ready to shoot Sanji.
    Pudding: (thinking) Go on, Sanji. Get a look at my hideous third eye!!!
    Sanji: What a beautiful eye...
  • Chapter 898: An in-universe example occurs when Luffy manages to get to Cacao Island at the designated time against all odds. The Big Mom Pirates believe he must have snuck past Katakuri in the mirror world somehow, but Brûlée, who was there, tearfully sets things straight to everyone's disbelief.
    Brûlée: Above all else, Straw Hat Luffy cannot get away!!! He did not slip past our brother Katakuri through some simple diversion! Ohh no! I will tell you exactly what happened in the Mirro-World!! Our brother Katakuri... perfect, powerful Katakuri, greatest in the world, lost his fight against Straw Hat Luffy!!!!
  • Chapter 903 has 2 huge Wham Lines, appropriately reflecting the change in the status quo. The first line detailing the consequences of the fight against Big Mom.
    Narrator: The newspaper stated that according to reliable sources, Straw Hat Luffy had seven powerful pirate crews under his sway, combining the authority of a captain over 5000 followers, the notoriety of brotherhood with both Ace and the Number Two of the Revolutionaries, Sabo, the extreme charisma and leadership to assume impromptu command over the formidable trio of the evil army of Germa 66, Sun Pirates and Firetank Pirates, the calculated strategic brilliance to execute the destruction of Big Mom's castle, and the strength to defeat her officers worth 800 million and 1 billion Berries... The result of this incident was clear to all. Straw Hat Luffy was victorious! It was the arrival of the Fifth Emperor of the Sea!
    • The second line, after Luffy is in depression about his bounty supposedly falling.
    Brook: Your bounty isn't 150 million, it's 1.5 billion Berries!
  • Chapter 908: The Five Elder Stars greet the man who is sitting on top of the Empty Throne which no one should sit on as it means being the ruler of the entire world.
    Five Elder Stars: Oh, great Imu! The Five Elders are at your service!!! Have you decided upon another light to be extinguished from history? Simply state the name you wish stricken!!
  • Chapter 919: Kinemon and the rest are highly secretive about something in Wano.
    Kinemon: The three of us, before you, as well as Kanjuro and Raizo... Altogether five of us... We hail from the past. (Beat) The truth is, we were sent here. Through time, from the Wano Country of 20 years ago!
  • Chapter 938:
    Komurasaki: My brother's name is Kozuki Momonosuke. I'm his sister, Hiyori.
  • Chapter 954: The shocking conclusion of the battle between Kaido and Big Mom is revealed.
    "The Animal Kingdom Pirates... and the Big Mom Pirates... are going to be forming a pirate alliance!"
  • Chapter 956: This line delivered by Coby begins a major shift in One Piece, as the Balance of Power is completely shattered by the World Government.
    Koby: I am on my way to the Island of Women, to capture the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock!
  • Chapter 957: Has a major one on the long-awaited bounties of Gol D. Roger and the Emperors:
    Brannew: Commodore of the Blackbeard Pirates, Marshall D. Teach! 2,247,600,000 Berries! [...] Chief of the Red-Haired Pirates, Red-Haired Shanks! 4,048,900,000 Berries! [...] Captain of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Linlin! 4,388,000,000 Berries! [...] Supreme Commander of the Animal Kingdom Pirates, Kaido, King of the Beasts! 4,611,100,000 Berries! [...] Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Edward Newgate! 5,046,000,000 Berries! Captain of the Roger Pirates, King of the Pirates, Gold Roger! 5,564,800,000 Berries! There are no bounties in pirating history that surpass those of these two men. But if Big Mom and Kaido indeed form an alliance, their total combined bounty will easily surpass those.
  • Chapter 974:
    • The traitor to the Kozuki clan revealed himself:
    Kanjuro: (crying) I understand Kiku's feelings!! Kin, let's put this to rest now... That I was ALWAYS THE TRAITOR!!!
    • Explanation of why he betrayed the Kozukis and worked for Orochi.
    Kanjuro: My name... is Kurozumi Kanjuro! Need I say more?
  • Chapter 990: An unexpected ally joins the fight against the Animal Kingdom Pirates.
    Drake: Straw Hat Luffy! For reasons I cannot say now, I am an army of one!! Please let me fight on your side!!!
  • Chapter 999: The real nature of Kaido's dragon Devil Fruit, and the "debt" between him and Big Mom has been revealed.
    Big Mom: On the day Rocks fell into ruin at God Valley... I gave you that Legendary Model of the Fish-Fish Fruit! You owe me for life, Kaido!!
  • Chapter 1011: Big Mom breaks the alliance with Kaido with these words:
    Big Mom: Don't you know... that even in the cruel world of pirates, there's still a code of honor?!! You clowns!!!
  • Chapter 1017, as Jinbe fights Who's-Who, who is revealed to be a rogue agent of CP9, he reveals why he got in trouble in the first place.
    Who's-Who: Twelve years ago, a Devil Fruit was stolen from a government ship. And when Straw Hat Luffy appeared two years ago, I was shocked to learn the truth. That Straw Hat had eaten the very Gum-Gum Fruit that was stolen from that ship!!!
  • Chapter 1043: After Kaido announces Luffy's defeat and everyone prepares for their last stand:
    Zunesha: Joy-Boy... has returned!!!
  • Chapter 1044: One of the Five Elders drops a massive bomb.
    The other name of the Gum-Gum Fruit is the Zoan type Human-Human Fruit, Mythical Model: Nika!
    Awakening brings his rubbery body greater physical strength and freedom. It is said that in all the world, there is no power more ridiculous!
  • Chapter 1047: Kaido mentions something that manages to say a lot about a certain someone.
    Kaido: Play all the games you want, but abilities alone cannot conquer the world!!! The world is convenient that way!!! Roger didn't have any fruit powers!!! Because only Haki...can transcend all!!!
  • Chapter 1053: Robin learns that Kozuki Sukiyaki is still alive, and through him confirms the greatest secret of Wano Country:
    Robin: It should be somewhere in this country...!! The Ancient Weapon, Pluton! At least, that's what the Poneglyph said... in Arabasta.
    Kozuki Sukiyaki: ...Indeed, it is here.
  • Chapter 1061 ends with a whopper, as the mysterious woman piloting the giant robot introduces herself to the Straw Hats:
    Now just a moment, you filthy pirates... who said anything about saving you?!! I'm just a humble genius scientist hired by the government. You can call me... Dr. Vegapunk!!!
  • Chapter 1065: Shaka reveals the truth about Egghead, which has huge implications for the story and one of its greatest mysteries:
    Shaka: This place is the past! If I told you that Egghead wasn't the only one, that there was once a kingdom just as highly advanced as this that actually existed 900 years ago, would you believe me?
  • Chapter 1084: The mysterious true ruler willingly makes their presence known to Cobra much to his and even the Five Elder Stars' shock before sitting on the Empty Throne right in front of him. The reason? All because of the mention of one person:
    Imu: Lily...
  • Chapter 1085: The true reason why the Nefeltari family decided not to become Celestial Dragons is finally revealed:
    Cobra: The letter was signed... by the Queen of Alabasta 800 years ago. And her name was... Nefeltari... D. Lily...
  • Chapter 1090: When brainstorming where to go to escape from the Navy blockade, Nami and Vegapunk have a conversation that reveals where the Straw Hats will be going after Egghead, in the process revealing that one of the most anticipated moments in One Piece is finally on the horizon:
    Nami: The Log Pose hasn't recorded the signal yet, but we still have one steady needle from Wano we can use. It's pointing northeast of here.
    Vegapunk: That'd be Elbaf then.
  • Chapter 1107: Saint Saturn asks what the Blackbeard Pirates' true goal is, and they give him a straight answer.
    Saturn: You people are always up to strange business. What are you really after?
    Van Augur: The World.
  • Chapter 1108: Just as Vegapunk is about to die, the scene cuts to an empty lab where Vegapunk gives out this bombshell:
    Vegapunk: Ahem! Hello? Check check... Is this thing on? Hello out there! Come in world... Ahem... I am Dr. Vegapunk, A humble genius scientist. While many of you will likely be shocked by what I have to say in this message... I assure you that it is the truth of this world!!!
  • Chapter 1109: As Vegapunk declares that he's giving the world ten minutes to get ready for the broadcast, Saturn and the other Elders immediately decide they can't allow him to speak freely - and as black lightning appears and columns of abyssal black spill out of the ground, we get two lines that make it clear exactly what is going to happen.
    Saturn: I shall perform the summoning.
    Sanji: The hell?! It's just like when that spider geezer appeared!!
  • Chapter 1113: The aforementioned truth Dr. Vegapunk announced to the world?
    Vegapunk: The world as we know it... will sink into the sea!!
  • Chapter 1114: As Vegapunk's broadcast continues, he begins to talk about what he knows about the Void Century, Joy Boy, and why the World Government are so intent on making sure nobody finds out about either:
    Vegapunk: It would be dishonest to fill the blanks with my own speculation... so I will leave you only with the verified truth!! The main character of this story was born into a kingdom with an impossibly advanced civilization, 900 years ago. Like the Sun God Nika spoken of in Elbaph legend, he fought with a body that stretched and contracted. His name was Joy Boy. And he was the very first man on this sea to be called a pirate!!!
