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Foreshadowing / Attack of the Clones

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  • A subtle one — Anakin's lightsaber is shaped exactly like the one he'll use as Darth Vader, but with a chrome emitter shroud instead of a black one.
  • Early in the film, Obi-Wan is concerned about Anakin, knowing that he's been having dreams about his mother. Anakin says he'd rather dream about Padmé. Next film he does, except just like his mother, it's about Padmé's approaching death.
  • During the meeting with the Chancellor and the Jedi Council, when Palpatine pleads with Senator Amidala to accept the protection of Jedi bodyguards Kenobi and Skywalker, he says "Do it for me, Milady. Please? The thought of losing unbearable." This hearkens to Anakin's main motivation in turning to the Dark Side in Revenge of the Sith, which was in huge part orchestrated by Sidious/Palpatine.
  • While outside Padmé's room, Anakin and Obi-Wan discuss trusting politicians, Anakin tells Obi-Wan he thinks Palpatine is a great man.
  • "Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?" — Obi-Wan to Anakin. Two movies later...
  • On the political side of the film, Padmé says the people of Naboo wanted the constitution of their planet amended so she could stay in office. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, there's the constitution of the Republic about to be suspended so Palpatine can stay in office.
  • Anakin's own views on how the galaxy should be run:
    Anakin: We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem, decide what's in the best interest of all the people, and then do it.
    Padmé: That's exactly what we do. The problem is the people don't always agree.
    Anakin: Then maybe they should be made to.
    Padmé: By who? Who's gonna make them?
    Anakin: I don't know. Someone.
    Padmé: You?
    Anakin: No, of course not me.
    Padmé: But someone.
    Anakin: [nods] Someone wise.
    Padmé: Sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me.
    Anakin: Well, if it works...
  • During the fireplace scene, Anakin tells Padmé about how his feelings for her are causing him agony. Padmé in this scene is wearing a dress with a choker on it. Guess what happens to her in the next movie? Bonus points for this quote from Anakin: "The thought of not being with you...I can't breathe."
  • R5-D4, who blows his motivator in A New Hope, rolls right by R2-D2 in the opening shot of Tatooine.
  • A literal instance happens as Anakin leaves to look for his mother Shmi. His silhouette's head looks like Darth Vader's helmet. And the best part is it just happened that way on set.invoked
  • After Anakin slaughters the Tusken Raiders, as he tells Padmé about it, the Imperial March plays for a few seconds.
  • During that same scene, Anakin mentions he spared no one in the slaughter, including the children. Turns out that wouldn't be the only time he'd do that....
  • R2-D2 and C-3PO, roaming Tatooine, with a message concerning Obi-Wan Kenobi. Sounds familiar...
  • There's also Count Dooku switching off a hologram of the Death Star plans and taking them with him to keep safe.
  • At the very end of the film, the Imperial March plays as Palpatine looks over a mass of Clone Troopers, which is a very interesting use of music to do this. In fact, this moment is so meaningful, it's described by some Youtube commentators as "the birth of the Empire".
  • Anakin's lightsaber is bisected in half at one point. In the next movie, Anakin himself is bisected, at his legs and hands. As a bonus, what did Obi-Wan say when he gave that aforementioned lightsaber to Anakin in the first place?
    "This weapon is your life."
  • During Anakin's Anguished Declaration of Love to Padmé, she asks him if he could really live with a Secret Relationship. Anakin concedes "It would destroy us." In the following film, it turns out that the catalyst for Anakin's turn to the Dark Side is saving Padmé and their unborn children, only to end up causing her death in the depths of his Face–Heel Turn and subsequently ruin his own life too.
  • In the sequence on the Geonosis factory, Anakin's right arm gets encased in a plate of metal. Cut to the ending, where he has a shiny metal arm.
  • When Jango Fett gets decapitated, it immediately cuts to Dooku, who is visibly troubled and disturbed by Fett's death. Come Revenge of the Sith, he'd meet a similar fate.
  • Like Maul in the previous film (and General Grievous in the next film), Dooku is important for foreshadowing another facet of Anakin's eventual transformation into Vader (and not just a Sith with a cape). Specifically, in terms of the Saga's chronological order, Dooku establishes that even trained and experienced Jedi can be corrupted by the Sith and fall to the Dark Side. This thus lays the groundwork for Anakin to follow Dooku's path in the next film.
